June 27, 2016

POLITICO: Moderate Democrat Group Advocates for Cyber Warfare Rules

The New Dems advocate for more focus on cybersecurity in their recently released National Security Principles. Tim Starks, cybersecurity reporter for POLITICO, writes about the New Dems' push for cyber warfare rules. Read more below: 

Moderate Democrat Group Advocates for Cyber Warfare Rules

By Tim Starks, POLITICO

A group of moderate Democrats today pushed for international cyberspace norms and rules.  The New Democrat Coalition issued the call as part of a set of national security principles. 

Another cyber principle the coalition supports is making “the investments necessary for the U.S. Government to protect its data, computers, and systems while also improving responses to cyberattacks across multiple agencies.”
Additionally, the group wants to encourage technological innovation and expand information sharing.

These National Security Principles lay out our foundational beliefs about winning the war on terror, updating our defense capabilities for the 21st Century, and growing our global alliances,” said Jim Himes, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence NSA and Cybersecurity Subcommittee.

Himes co-chaired the task force that developed the principles.  The lawmaker has been at the forefront of pushing for international cyber rules, calling for an E-Neva Convention for cyber warfare that would mimic the Geneva Conventions. 

“Keeping our homeland safe and creating a more stable world are complicated tasks that require dedication and commitment,” Himes said. 
