January 10, 2022

New Dem Chair DelBene Urges Final Agreement on a Strong Build Back Better Act that Extends the Lapsed Child Tax Credit

 Today, New Democrat Coalition Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) renewed the Coalition's calls for a final agreement and speedy enactment of the Build Back Better Act as families miss out on their critical middle class tax cut payments this week following the expiration of the expanded Child Tax Credit:

“As Congress reconvenes this week, we must continue negotiations to reach an agreement on and quickly enact a strong Build Back Better Act that makes a real difference for the American people. 

“New Dems believe that any final Build Back Better Act should include the expanded Child Tax Credit. For months, this crucial tax cut has been a lifeline for middle-class and low-income families, but given the expiration of the expanded Child Tax Credit at the end of last year, taxes will go up for millions of American families. We cannot allow this to happen.

“Under President Biden's American Rescue Plan, the Child Tax Credit has helped millions of parents get back to work, put food on the table, and ensure every child has the resources and opportunities to succeed. The success of this policy is proven, and the impact is immediate. As COVID-19 cases continue to climb and Americans face rising costs, families need this tax cut more than ever. That’s why New Dems are working tirelessly on a path forward for the Build Back Better Act.

“Since the beginning of the Build Back Better legislative process, the New Democrat Coalition has called for doing fewer things better for longer in order to provide families with long-term, durable policies. New Dems will continue pushing for this approach to make the legislation stronger, help reach a final agreement, and provide certainty to families. 

“Democrats delivered for the American people with the American Rescue Plan and the bipartisan infrastructure law. Now it’s time to show them once again that we get stuff done by finishing the job on the Build Back Better Act and the expanded Child Tax Credit. Americans cannot afford inaction or delay. We must get this legislation across the finish line as soon as possible.”
