April 26, 2017

New Democrat Coalition Chair Himes on Trump’s Tax Plan

New Democrat Coalition Chair Jim Himes issued the following statement on the outline of a tax plan President Trump put forward today:

“We have to reform our uncompetitive and Byzantine tax code. Our country is in dire need of a modern tax code that supports middle class families, fosters business development and innovation, and creates opportunities for Americans to prosper in a 21st century economy. The current tax code is a complicated collection of outdated provisions riddled with loopholes in serious need of comprehensive overhaul. New Democrats are eager to work in a bipartisan way on a plan that is comprehensive, fiscally responsible, simplifies the code for families and businesses, helps create jobs, and grows our economy.  We also have an opportunity to pair tax reform with a large investment in modernizing our infrastructure.

“The outline President Trump put forward today is another step in the process; however, details and engagement matter, and the plan does not align with the priorities outlined above, particularly in terms of fiscal responsibility and comprehensive approach. From press analysis of the proposal, it appears that the Administration’s tax reform outline would increase the deficit considerably and does not target individual tax relief towards working and middle class families.  In the coming weeks and months, I hope that Congressional Republicans and the Administration will consult with Members of the New Democrat Coalition and others in an effort to reach a bipartisan plan.”
