June 27, 2018

New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on Immigration Bill Failure

Today, New Democrat Coalition Chair Jim Himes (CT-04) issued the following statement on the 301-121 defeat of the Republicans’ latest immigration proposal in the House of Representatives:

“Another day, another failed effort by House Leadership to jam through harmful immigration legislation. Today’s bill was sold as a compromise to the press and the American people, but involved no Democratic input and tried to enshrine into law discriminatory and unjust practices that run counter to the spirit of our nation.

“Bipartisan solutions to this problem exist in bills like the USA Act, which was authored by New Democrat Coalition Rep. Pete Aguilar and Republican Rep. Will Hurd. This bill gives Dreamers a pathway to citizenship while making commonsense improvements to gain operational control of the southern border.

“Further, the American people saw that it was possible to take a comprehensive approach when in 2013 the Senate passed meaningful immigration reform by a vote of 68-32. Regrettably, then-Speaker John Boehner let it languish and die in the House. A strong coalition, representing the majority of Americans who want an immigration system that protects our borders and is fair to families, refugees and others seeking the shelter of our nation, could pass such a bill again if Leadership would clear a path and involve everyone in negotiations from the beginning. I call on them to do so as soon as possible.”

As Members committed to the core principles of governing, New Democrats have and will continue to demand a bipartisan path forward. Earlier this Congress, New Democrat Coalition Chair Jim Himes and Republican Tuesday Group Co-Chair John Katko penned an op-ed in The Hill urging Congress to provide a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers.
