June 27, 2014

New Democrat Coalition Immigration Task Force Leaders Mark One-Year Anniversary of Passage of Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill

The New Democrat Coalition’s Immigration Task Force Co-Chairs, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX), Rep. Joe Garcia (D-FL), and Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) released the following statement to mark the one-year anniversary of the Senate’s passage of a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform measure, the most significant overhaul of the United States’ immigration policy in over 25 years:

“Today, we should be marking the one-year anniversary of the signing ceremony for a bipartisan, comprehensive measure to fix our broken immigration system; instead, we are still calling on our Republican colleagues to give us at least a vote,” the statement read. “No matter how difficult the obstacles seem, we will never stop working to build a system worthy of the 21st century – one that opens doors for millions of new job creators, reunites families, unlocks a new era of American innovation and reaffirms the fundamental principle of opportunity for all.”

America’s business leaders, faith leaders, law enforcement leaders, and labor leaders are all watching to see if we can rise to the occasion. It’s time for the House to give the American people the vote they have been demanding way over 365 days.”

The New Democrat Coalition has consistently played a leading role in the effort to pass comprehensive immigration reform, from demanding that Speaker Boehner hold a vote on the bipartisan reform bill to leading House Democrats’ H.R. 15 to spearheading the discharge petition for comprehensive reform. These efforts stemmed from the principles released by the Coalition in April 2013.

The New Democrat Coalition is dedicated to maintaining America’s standing as the world’s strongest, most successful nation. Founded in 1997, the New Dems believe firmly in the power of American ingenuity and innovation, and are focused on finding ways to foster and harness this creativity to grow our economy, create new American jobs, and ensure a safer and more secure future for our country. 


