June 04, 2014

New Democrat Coalition Immigration Task Force Statement on Immigrant Heritage Month

The New Democrat Coalition’s Immigration Task Force Co-Chairs released the following statement in response to the start of the first-ever Immigrant Heritage Month:

“Immigrant Heritage Month is a time to remember that the hard work of America’s immigrants helped to build the greatest economic engine the world has ever known,” the statement read. “From what Emma Lazarus famously called ‘your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,’ came countless entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators whose efforts produced everything from small businesses to some of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the United States.

We would not be the economic powerhouse we are today without the 40 percent of Fortune 500 founders who were immigrants or the children of immigrants, yet our current immigration system locks out too much of America’s top talent, placing a roadblock in front of economic growth in communities around the country.

We cannot shut the door of opportunity on those who just want a shot at the American Dream. Congress must pass comprehensive immigration reform without delay.”

The above statement was supported by New Democrat Coalition Immigration Task Force Co-Chairs Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), Rep. Joe Garcia (D-FL) and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX).

Immigrant Heritage Month is a new initiative of the group Welcome.Us, which plans to partner with businesses, media outlets, civic organizations, athletes, faith leaders and political leaders during June to gather and share inspirational stories of American immigrants.

The Coalition will participate in a variety of communications efforts to draw attention to the vital contributions of America’s immigrants to our economy during Immigrant Heritage Month. Coalition leaders have played a pivotal role in House Democrats’ efforts to date on comprehensive immigration reform, pushing Speaker Boehner to hold a vote, leading H.R. 15 and spearheading the discharge petition for comprehensive reform. Their efforts began in April 2013 with the release of the Coalition’s Principles on Immigration Reform.
