October 02, 2018

New Democrat Coalition Releases Portable Benefits Policy Proposals

The New Democrat Coalition’s Future of Work Task Force released the second report in the new economic opportunity agenda: A Future that Works. The report, Creating a 21st Century Social Contract, outlines policy recommendations to create a social contract that works for the future. The policy recommendations include updating the social contract by creating an option of portable benefits, modernizing the worker safety net, and expanding eligibility for these protections and programs.

We need a new social contract that is:

Universal – all workers, regardless of how they get paid and through what arrangement, should have equal access to benefits and safety net programs.
Portable – all workers should have access to worker benefits, protections, and the safety net untethered from employers to provide portability, security and mobility.
Innovative – expanding access and modernizing the social contract as we know it.

“Prior generations designed our safety net and benefits system for a traditional, full-time worker. As our economy has changed, the laws, policies and support structures that protect and promote American workers remain relics of a bygone era. While many still enjoy the stability of the 20th century social contract, a growing number of workers find themselves left out. All workers should have certainty and security, and all companies should be able to either provide benefits or contributions towards benefits for those who provide work for them. We need a modern, 21st century social contract,” said New Democrat Coalition Chair Himes.

This Congress, the Coalition established the Future of Work Task Force, which is co-chaired by Reps. Bill Foster, Seth Moulton, and Jared Polis. Over the past year, the Task Force has convened forums on Capitol Hill to discuss the challenges that workers across America face today. A Future that Works has resulted from the multiple forums and meetings with companies, labor unions, local organizations, and thought leaders over the last several months. New Democrat Coalition Members are focused on finding policy solutions to address the opportunities and challenges related to the evolving nature of work in the changing economy.

Watch New Democrat Coalition Members’ press conference releasing the paper.

Read the full report: Creating a 21st Century Social Contract.

