May 13, 2014

New Democrat Coalition Trade Leaders Applaud Commerce Department’s NEXT Initiative

The leadership of the New Democrat Coalition’s Trade Taskforce released the following statement in response to Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker’s announcement of the Commerce Department’s new customer service-driven initiative to boost exports and help American businesses sell “Made in America” goods around the globe:

“As Members of the New Democrat Coalition, we believe that the global economy offers opportunities for America’s workers, growers, manufacturers, small business owners and entrepreneurs to serve as the engines for economic growth and a thriving middle class here at home,” the statement read. “By coordinating the activities of 20 federal departments and agencies with export-related programs, providing new data-driven information on specific export opportunities, strengthening partnerships with financing organizations and partnering with our states and communities, NEXT will move the United States closer to a unified strategy for export-driven economic growth that will help American companies create more jobs and pay their workers better wages. We commend the Commerce Department for its efforts to rebalance the U.S. economy from one centered on domestic consumption to one that competes for consumers in the global marketplace, and we will continue to work with our partners in the Administration and in both parties in Congress to help companies export their products – not their jobs.”

The NEXT Initiative builds on the success of the National Export Initiative (NEI), launched by President Obama in 2010 as a government-wide effort to help American companies compete in the global economy. The NEI has a strong track record of boosting growth and encouraging export-supported job creation. According to the Commerce Department:

Exports have driven nearly a third of economic growth since mid-2009 and account for nearly 14 percent of our economy.

Since 2009, exports have increased by almost $700 billion, reaching an all-time high of $2.3 trillion in 2013.

Exports now support 11.3 million jobs in communities across the country, up 1.6 million since 2009

In 2013, 16 states set new records for export sales – with 10 additional states experiencing merchandise export growth.

Manufactured goods exports increased by 50% between 2009 and 2013, reaching a record $1.4 trillion for 2013.

The above statement was endorsed by Trade Taskforce Co-Chairs Reps. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Cedric Richmond (LA-02) and Gregory Meeks (NY-05)

The New Democrat Coalition is dedicated to maintaining America’s standing as the world’s strongest, most successful nation. Founded in 1997, the New Dems believe firmly in the power of American ingenuity and innovation, and are focused on finding ways to foster and harness this creativity to grow our economy, create new American jobs, and ensure a safer and more secure future for our country. 

