January 28, 2021

New Democrat Coalition Unveils First 100 Days Policy Priorities

Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), led by NDC Leadership Members, unveiled its First 100 Days Agenda. Through this agenda, the Coalition will take actionable steps to end the pandemic, create jobs, and solve the challenges of the 21st century.

The NDC will fight for durable progress on our nation’s most pressing issues, including ending the pandemic, spurring equitable economic growth and opportunities, tackling climate change, modernizing our infrastructure, protecting and expanding affordable health care, restoring global leadership, defending our democracy, and building a fair and inclusive immigration system.

In the first 100 days, NDC will work to:

  1. End the pandemic and get people back to work
  2. Modernize our infrastructure, combat climate change, and create jobs
  3. Protect and expand Americans’ health care
  4. Restore American global leadership

“The New Democrat Coalition will be a driving force in the 117th Congress to help break years of gridlock and get things done in Congress. Our 100-day agenda is focused on ideas aimed at ending the pandemic and reopening schools and our economy safely while also addressing health care, infrastructure, climate change, immigration, and other important issues in our nation,” said NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01). “New Dems are eager to work with the Biden-Harris administration to move these policy priorities forward, show Americans governance can work again, and build back better from these crises.”

“With over 90 members, the New Democrat Coalition’s heft puts us in a prime position to set policy objectives and guide conversation this Congress,” said NDC Vice Chair Scott Peters (CA-52). “Our 100-day agenda tackles some of the toughest challenges facing our nation. It offers smart solutions, like my Health STATISTICS Act, to move our country through this brutal pandemic, and outlines our priorities on key issues like health care, climate action and global leadership. Americans need their government to work, and our group is committed to working with the White House to ensure real progress is made.”

“As the 117th Congress begins, our country faces immense challenges that require innovative, practical solutions, and the New Democrat Coalition is prepared to work with the Biden-Harris administration to deliver meaningful results for the American people,” said NDC Vice Chair Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02). “Our 100-day agenda is aimed at quickly and efficiently helping our nation to recover from this public health crisis and move forward. From crushing the COVID-19 virus and expanding access to health care, to building a clean energy economy and expanding access to broadband, our agenda includes priorities that will benefit all Americans and help us build back better. I look forward to working with the administration to accomplish these goals.”

Read the NDC’s full 100 Day Agenda, one-pager, statements of support. The NDC will build on the progress made in the first 100 days to further advance bold ideas and innovative solutions to some of our nation’s greatest challenges.
