September 12, 2024

New Dems Applaud Biden Administration Adoption of Recommendation to Lower Housing Costs

In March, New Dems called on the Administration to update federal standards to expand manufactured housing construction in the Task Force’s Housing Action Plan

Today, New Democrat Coalition Affordable Housing Task Force Chair Norma J. Torres (CA-35) issued a statement following the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) announcement of updated regulations to expedite the production of manufactured housing and lower housing costs:

“New Dems applaud the Administration for finalizing landmark regulatory changes that we called for in our Housing Action Plan earlier this year. These actions will help deliver safe and affordable housing to our communities, ensuring hardworking families can live comfortably without breaking the bank.

“While this is an important step, New Dems know there’s more we must do to lower the cost of living for the American people. With the New Dem Housing Action Plan as our roadmap, we’ll keep working with our colleagues across the aisle and the Biden-Harris Administration to get this done.”


In March 2024, the Affordable Housing Task Force released its Housing Action Plan, which includes more than 20 policy recommendations that would make improvements to five key factors in affordable housing: the housing supply, permitting and zoning laws, federal financial incentives, the construction workforce, and data collection and transparency.
