June 20, 2013

New Dems Welcome Representative Pete Gallego

The New Democrat Coalition, the largest group of moderates in Congress welcomed Rep. Pete Gallego (TX-23) as its 52nd Member today. The Coalition hailed Gallego’s arrival as a vital addition to strengthen the Coalition’s already-powerful hand in the House.

“I’m proud to welcome Representative Gallego to the New Dems,” said New Dem Chair Rep. Ron Kind (WI-03). “Pete embraces our vision for America’s future success in the global economy, and it’s clear that he’s come to Washington to fix problems, not fight over them. Working together, we will continue to seek comprehensive solutions to fix our nation’s broken immigration system, build stronger trade relationships throughout the globe, and create a thriving technology economy with new jobs for American workers.”

The New Dems believe that Gallego, a border Democrat representing Southwest Texas, will bring yet another common-sense voice to the immigration debate in the House. Gallego recently asked the State of Texas to reassess the economic impact of removing undocumented immigrants from the state, suggesting that the state’s numbers inaccurately measured the economic activity that immigrants create.

“When partisan gridlock gets in the way of sound public policy, it is middle-class families who get left behind,” said Gallego. The New Democrat Coalition works as a unified effort to push common-sense legislation out of Congress. Together, we can focus on a strong middle class and better opportunities for our families. I’m proud to join this talented group of people willing to put partisanship aside to address the tough issues facing our country.”

The New Democrat Coalition makes up more than one-fourth of the entire House Democratic Caucus. New Dems bring their real-world, entrepreneurial approach to Washington to foster American success through private sector-led job growth.

The New Democrat Coalition is dedicated to maintaining America’s standing as the world’s strongest, most successful nation. Founded in 1997, the New Dems believe firmly in the power of American ingenuity and innovation, and are focused on finding ways to foster and harness this creativity to grow our economy, create new American jobs, and ensure a safer and more secure future for our country. 

