Restore Trust in Elections

Restore Trust in Elections

Reform our election and campaign finance laws

  • Problem: Trust in government is at an all-time low, with over three-quarters of Americans expressing declining confidence in the federal government, according to a recent Pew survey. To make matters worse, waves of unlimited dark money and foreign governments are attacking American values and the integrity of our elections, further sowing distrust in our nation’s democracy.
  • Solution: Elections are an opportunity for the American people to choose their leaders, whom they entrust to make decisions on behalf of the collective good. Free and fair elections are a cornerstone of American democracy. Congress should make sure all eligible Americans are able to vote, and that the will of the people is not drowned out by dark money and the meddling of foreign governments. The NDC believes Congress should:
    • Restore and improve voting rights laws to make sure all Americans have access to the ballot box
    • End gerrymandering so elected officials truly represent the electorate
    • Overturn Citizen’s United and increase transparency in campaign contributions
    • Protect our elections from foreign interference