New Dem of the Week: Rep. Annie Kuster
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02)
Congresswoman Kuster meets with students working on an innovative technology project during a tour to promote STEM education and learning in New Hampshire's Second Congressional District.
Why she's proud to be a New Dem:
"Granite Staters count on their leaders to help foster innovation and job growth in our state. The New Democrat Coalition knows we must embrace new technologies and opportunities in order to revive our manufacturing sector and help our small businesses grow. What's more, we believe we must invest in crucial workforce development programs to ensure that our workers have the skills they need to thrive in the highly-competitive 21st Century economy. I look forward to continuing to work with my fellow New Dems to support these initiatives, so we can help create more jobs and opportunity for New Hampshire workers."
Her pragmatic, problem-solving experience:
As a longtime community activist, author, attorney and advocate, Annie has focused her career on finding affordable health care solutions and helping families afford the cost of a higher education. She has been actively involved in the creation of innovative programs like the Medication Bridge Program and the UNIQUE College Savings Program that use new approaches to help families afford medicine and send their kids to college. Annie is also the co-author of a book on aging and Alzheimer's, "The Last Dance: Facing Alzheimer's with Love and Laughter."
Annie's innovative policy entrepreneurship:
During her time as a leader working to foster economic growth and job creation in New Hampshire, Annie prioritized her Middle Class Jobs and Opportunity Agenda, a blueprint she authored for growing our economy and creating opportunities for Granite Staters. Her agenda includes priorities like training a highly-skilled workforce, a top concern for New Hampshire's advanced manufacturers, who are in need of experienced engineers and technicians. To help prepare America's students for 21st Century jobs, Annie introduced the Workforce Development Investment Act, which would reward employers with tax credits for partnering with educators to develop curriculum, assist with classroom instruction and offer hands-on opportunities for students. The legislation was featured as part of the House Democratic Caucus' Make it in America agenda. Annie has also hosted a series of career and opportunities fairs in her district. At her last fair in Concord, nearly 300 Granite Staters searching for work were matched with 30+ employers offering open jobs.
How you can find out more about Annie:
To connect with Annie, visit her website, follow her on Twitter, or 'LIKE' her page on Facebook.
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