June 12, 2014

ICYMI: Wisconsin State-Journal: Kind right on free trade

The following editorial appeared in the June 12 edition of the Wisconsin State Journal, which has one of the highest circulations in the state of Wisconsin:

U.S. Rep. Ron Kind has a convincing statistic for skeptics of free trade, who include some of his fellow Democrats and unions:

The United States is running a trade surplus in manufacturing, agriculture and services with the 20 countries it has bilateral agreements with, the La Crosse congressman said last week.

That means more prosperity for Wisconsin.

Kind, who leads the pro-trade New Democrat Coalition, strongly supports the Obama administration’s pursuit of two big trade partnerships — one with Europe, the other with Asian and Pacific countries, though not China.

The deals would encompass 70 percent of the global marketplace, according to Kind. So “of course we need to be at the table,” Kind told the State Journal editorial board.

Kind wisely backs fast-track authority for the Obama administration to negotiate big trade deals. Letting all 535 members of Congress into the middle of this delicate process with the European Union and a dozen Pacific Rim nations would be a mess. No major trade pact has been secured without trusting the White House to take the lead and negotiate wisely.

By granting fast-track authority, Congress would agree to vote for or against any proposal without amendments. Congress would still have the final say, with the public weighing in. Yet the Obama administration could negotiate with confidence, improving its ability to open markets for American products.

Free-trade zones across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would lower tariffs and smooth commerce for all while encouraging higher environmental and labor standards.

In the absence of a strong U.S. trade agreement with such nations as Japan, Brunei and Vietnam, one of two things will happen, Kind contends: No rules or China’s rules.

Kind isn’t supporting any specific deal yet. Many details are in flux and haven’t been made public. Japan needs to open its markets to more beef, pork and dairy products, Kind stressed. On the European deal, Kind is confident a flap over the naming of Wisconsin cheeses will be worked out to Wisconsin’s satisfaction.

Congress should give the administration the control it needs to get these deals done.
