August 17, 2016


You’ve likely heard of it, or maybe you’ve experienced it firsthand. #Ghosting is a phenomenon that has changed the dating game. Ghosting is the act of completely cutting off contact with someone, ignoring their texts and phone calls, and not providing an explanation for ending the relationship. Recently, ghosting has also changed politics.

ghosting garland

Right now, qualified public servants are being ghosted by the Republican-majority Senate. The Senate has left key government positions vacant for an excessive amount of time, which hinders agencies’ ability to carry out their mission. When lawmakers delay action to keep the government functioning, millions of everyday Americans are forced to live in uncertainty. We must make government work better for all Americans — and this begins with Congress fulfilling one of its most basic function.

In recent years, the Senate has taken longer and longer to act on nominees, both for high profile cabinet-level and Supreme Court positions and for many positions not in the spotlight such as circuit court appointees. From the Supreme Court to the Export-Import Bank, essential positions have remained vacant for months because of politics. New Dems support commonsense approaches to governing that help ensure Congress fulfills its most basic obligations. That’s why New Dem Members introduced a bill to ensure presidential nominations are considered within a reasonable amount of time, preventing excessive delays and vacancies in the federal government.

garland text
iPhone Conversation between Senate GOP and Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland

The Efficient Nominations Act would give the Senate a maximum of 150 days to consider and vote on nominees. While most nominees are confirmed in a shorter period of time, this bill would provide a safeguard to ensure nominees move through the Senate more efficiently. The bill would not require Senators to vote a particular way or automatically confirm nominees, merely require that the Senate fulfill one of its basic constitutional duties and #doitsjob.

Again, Republican leaders have recessed instead of having Congress do its job to take a vote on nominees within a reasonable amount of time. Lawmakers have remained inactive for far too long, and the American people don’t deserve to see qualified public servants #ghosted. It’s time for lawmakers to take action to ensure that its basic functions are met so we can focus on finding ways to grow our economy and ensure a safe and prosperous future for our country.


By:  New Democrat Coalition
