February 02, 2017

New Democrat Coalition Launches New Policy Task Forces

As proven by the first days of President Trump’s administration, our country has entered unchartered and uncertain waters. During President Obama’s tenure, the New Democrat Coalition worked closely with him to develop policies that would help Americans get ahead in a changing economy and keep America secure. We sought to advance ideas that would bring the staples of a middle-class life to more folks, particularly in a world where technology is changing how people live and work.

The New Democrat Coalition’s agenda remains focused on bringing about shared prosperity and an economy that works for everyone. But on Election Day we also woke up to a new reality. In this Congress the Democratic Party is deeply in the minority, making it more difficult to pass bills on issues we care about.

From putting the lives of refugees at risk with a haphazard refugee ban to calling for an investigation into non-existent voter fraud, we also have more than enough evidence that our new President is willing to take extreme positions. This leaves us with a challenge. How can the New Democrat Coalition make progress on our policy goals in this climate? How can we make sure that Congress is paying attention to the issues that Americans care about?

In the months ahead, we want to focus like a laser on the policies that will help us remain ahead of the curve while sticking to our values. That’s why we are announcing the revamping of the coalition’s task forces to most effectively rise to the occasion.

Our task forces are going to help members of our coalition focus specifically on issues where we might be able to make progress and see Democratic priorities included in legislation. In an era where Congress is not exactly a legislative juggernaut, it’s more important than ever that we target areas that we can move the ball forward and advance policies that help our economy and this Congress get on track.

There aren’t Democratic roads or Republican schools. We all understand the importance of making it easier to start a small business, or invest in aging bridges. We agree that the tax code is broken. We agree on the importance of educational opportunities and workforce training. The New Democrat Coalition is showing thought leadership by presenting ideas that will move these priorities forward.

Some of our task forces will be looking to the short term, to develop proposals that stand a chance of passing with bipartisan support. We will focus on areas like infrastructure investment, tax reform, and national security where we think there may be opportunities to work with our Republican colleagues in Congress.

Other task forces will spend time working on issues that, unfortunately, President Trump is likely to ignore such as the need for affordable housing, structural reforms that make our democracy more ethical and resilient, and figuring out how build a workforce that helps our economy stay competitive while providing everyone an opportunity to join the middle class. We need to start developing these ideas now in order to make progress down the road.

Revamping these task forces is an important part of this process and we look forward to sharing our work with folks throughout the country. Together we can give people hope that good paying jobs, quality education, and a secure retirement will remain within reach.

New Democrat Coalition Task Forces

1. 21st Century Infrastructure Task Force

Co-Chairs: Representatives John Delaney, Elizabeth Esty, Stacey Plaskett, and Norma Torres

The 21st Century Infrastructure Task Force will work to spur investment across the U.S. and modernize our power grid, communications networks, and transportation infrastructure. The task force will also work to identify methods to increase funding for our roads, rails, public transportation systems, bridges, ports, and airports.

2. Affordable and Accessible Healthcare Task Force

Co-Chairs: Representative Kurt Schrader, Ami Bera, and Ann McLane Kuster

The Affordable and Accessible Healthcare Task Force will work on policies to improve our healthcare system that reduce costs, increase choices for consumers, streamline regulations, reduce burdens for small businesses, and encourage more participation.

3. Cybersecurity Task Force

Co-Chairs: Representatives Derek Kilmer, Kathleen Rice, and Josh Gottheimer

The Cybersecurity Task Force will build on New Dem Members’ work drafting and passing the Cybersecurity Act by promoting additional policies (both domestic and international), public-private sector cooperation, and innovation that protects more individuals, businesses, and governments from cyber-attacks.

4. Future of Work Task Force

Co-Chairs: Representative Jared Polis, Bill Foster, and Seth Moulton

The Future of Work Task Force will investigate trends in innovation, the workforce, and the economy that are changing the ways Americans work today and in the future.

5. Global Competitiveness & Trade Task Force

Co-Chairs: Representatives Rick Larsen & Greg Meeks

The Global Competitiveness and Trade Task Force will continue to advance a U.S. trade agenda that grows the economy, creates U.S. jobs, and ensures the United States sets the rules for a level playing field in the global economy.

6. Housing Taskforce

Co-Chairs: Representatives Denny Heck, Juan Vargas, and Stephanie Murphy

The Housing Task Force will build on previous New Dem efforts on GSE reform but will broaden these efforts to address the full housing ecosystem, including the full scope of federal housing policy, such as housing subsidies offered through HUD and the tax code. The Task Force may also make findings and propose reforms relevant to the state, local, and regional levels.

7. Tax Reform Task Force

Co-Chairs: Representatives Terri Sewell, Don Beyer, and Brad Schneider

The Tax Reform Task Force will seek ways to modernize the tax code to create U.S. jobs, foster innovation, and support middle class families, without leaving behind a greater burden of debt for future generations.

By:  New Democrat Coalition
