October 30, 2019

New Democrat Coalition Releases National Security Principles

Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), led by Chair Derek Kilmer and the NDC National Security Task Force Co-Chairs Reps. Brad Schneider, Brendan Boyle, Anthony Brown, and Abigail Spanberger, released national security policy principles.

The NDC national security strategy promotes the safety and prosperity of Americans and reaffirms America’s commitment to a safer, more just and more peaceful world. Specifically, the NDC outlines the following pillars in its national security principles:

  1. Protecting the American People
  2. Prioritizing American Leadership
  3. Promoting American Values and Democracy
  4. Investing in the American Economy

“America must have a strong military because there are real threats that exist, but we must also recognize that not every problem can or should be solved with force. That’s why the New Democrat Coalition is committed to smart power, including a comprehensive national security strategy that uses our full range of tools to protect American lives, advance American values, and support American interests around the globe. This means investing in a broad array of military, diplomatic, foreign aid, intelligence, and economic priorities to ensure the United States retains its role as a global leader in the 21st century,” the principles read. 

“Ensuring the safety and security of our country and of all Americans is a fundamental responsibility of Congress. As our nation faces new 21st century threats, Congress should exercise its authority to drive America’s national security policy and keep Americans safe,” said NDC Chair Derek Kilmer. “The New Democrat Coalition is committed to smart power. We know that threats exist and that we need a strong military. But we also know that there are a lot of tools in our national security toolbox – including diplomacy and economic policy – and that not every problem can be solved with a bomb and a tank. I am proud of the NDC for leading the way in Congress with this comprehensive national security strategy.”

“I am proud to be a Co-Chair of the New Dem National Security Task Force. The New Dem Coalition National Security Task Force’s principles lay out our objectives in ensuring security and prosperity of our nation. One of the most important things we have to recognize is that in a global world, we are being challenged by near-peer rivals both in technology and in military capability. That’s why it’s so important we continue to invest in our military and stay multiple steps ahead of our rivals in capacity, capabilities, and technologies,” said NDC National Security Task Force Co-Chair Brad Schneider.

“For four years I served on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and now I serve as a Co-Chair of the NDC’s National Security Task Force. We are more than 100 Democratic House members strong expressing deep concern over the role of the United States in the world today and the need to once again reassert American leadership,” said NDC National Security Task Force Co-Chair Brendan Boyle. “We must work together with our allies in Europe, within NATO, in Asia, and the Middle East while also investing in the future of Africa. The United States must yet again lead the world while standing up for human rights and our democratic values.” 

“It is incredibly important that we look at the role of global leadership and the role the United States plays at home and abroad. When we are pursuing priorities, such as securing our borders and reforming our immigration process, we must do so through a lens of national security while upholding American values. We recognize the role the United States has played throughout history as a stabilizing force, as a doer of good, and as a leader in the world so we must continue leading by example,” said NDC National Security Task Force Co-Chair Abigail Spanberger. “I am proud to be a Co-Chair of the NDC National Security Task Force because we are doing just that in the halls of Congress.” 

“I’ve had the privilege of serving 30 years in the United States Army and Army Reserve, including a tour of duty in Iraq. I’m excited to be able to join my colleagues in announcing the release of the New Democrat Coalition’s priorities for a national security strategy. Our global leadership begins with a strong economy at home – an economy where we’re investing in education, workforce development, research and development, our physical infrastructure, and transforming our energy sector to address climate change,” said NDC National Security Task Force Co-Chair Anthony Brown. “That’s why I’m calling on all Members, Democrats and Republicans, to join in reaching across the aisle so we can advance a strong national security both here at home and abroad.”

The principles and bills were endorsed by the NDC. Read the one-pager and the full principles. Watch the NDC National Security Task Force Co-Chairs discuss the principles on Facebook and Twitter.
