August 13, 2024

Affordable Housing Task Force Chair Torres Applauds Biden-Harris Administration’s Actions to Build More Homes, Lower Costs

Today’s announcement reflects the priorities and policies outlined in the Task Force’s Housing Action Plan released earlier this year

Today, New Democrat Coalition Affordable Housing Task Force Chair Norma J. Torres (CA-35) issued the following statement after the Biden-Harris Administration announced new actions to help boost housing supply, reduce barriers to development, and lower the cost of housing.

The new actions address three of the five priorities in the New Dem Housing Action Plan: housing supply, permitting and zoning laws, and federal financial incentives.

“When New Dems released our Housing Action Plan earlier this year, we outlined the steps Congress and the Administration should take to make housing more available and affordable for the American people.

“We’re grateful that the Biden-Harris Administration is pursuing policy in line with our Action Plan by announcing initiatives that will reduce barriers to development, accelerate housing production nationwide, and empower communities to build the low-cost housing they need to thrive.

“These efforts will make meaningful progress, but New Dems know there’s more we can and must do to tackle the housing crisis. We’ll keep fighting until every American can live in a safe, secure, and affordable home.”


In March 2024, the Affordable Housing Task Force released its Housing Action Plan, which includes more than 20 policy recommendations that would make improvements to five key factors in affordable housing: the housing supply, permitting and zoning laws, federal financial incentives, the construction workforce, and data collection and transparency.
