December 14, 2021

New Democrat Coalition Calls for Swift Action on Legislation to Strengthen U.S. Supply Chains, Create Jobs, and Cut Costs for Americans

Negotiating a Strong, Final Version of the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act Will Be Key to Tackling Economic Challenges and Creating New Opportunities

Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) called on Congress to take swift action to strengthen U.S. supply chains, create jobs, invest in innovative scientific research, and ensure America leads the global economy. New Dems are pushing to advance these priorities during negotiations related to the Senate-passed U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) conference committee. NDC Members know USICA will be an important legislative tool to address Americans’ economic concerns and are pushing for policies that will fight long-term inflation, cut costs, and give workers, families, and businesses new opportunities to succeed. 

“New Dems came to Congress to deliver forward-looking, innovative solutions that invest in America’s future,” said NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01). “We know that folks in our districts are excited that our economy is growing, jobs are coming back, and wages are rising. But, we also know they are concerned about higher prices at the pump and in their grocery stores. President Biden and Democrats in Congress have taken bold steps to address these challenges, but there is more to be done. That’s why New Dems are pushing for policies in the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act that lower prices, promote American global leadership, and create jobs and opportunities so Americans can thrive in the 21st century.” 

“San Diego, a world-renowned science and technology hub, recognizes the immense importance of innovation,” said NDC Vice Chair of Policy Scott Peters (CA-52). It is critical to our country’s economic success and national security to ramp up our research, development and production. The priorities our coalition announced today would reinforce U.S. supply chains, create new jobs in innovation, increase support for scientific discovery, and promote American global leadership. These policies are key to out-compete countries like China, and will ensure the long-term prosperity and standing of the United States.” 

New Dems are focused on advancing legislation that helps Americans succeed and keeps the U.S. competitive in the global economy. Our top policy priorities for the final version of USICA are:

  1. Secure U.S. Supply Chains for Critical Goods and Technologies
  2.  Create Jobs and Spur Innovation across the Country
  3.  Increase Investments in Scientific and Engineering Research
  4.  Strengthen American Global Leadership

The NDC urges expedient action through regular order as Congress reaches a final agreement on the U.S Innovation and Competition Act and advance a bill to the President’s desk by early next year. New Dems will continue working with our colleagues in the House, Senate, and Biden Administration to ensure the final legislation reflects the needs and priorities of our Members and the American people. 

Read the full list of priorities here and below:

1.     Secure U.S. Supply Chains for Critical Goods and Technologies:

  • Increase and secure the supply of semiconductors and microchips and support domestic manufacturing of these critical goods and technologies, including mature semiconductor technologies like those needed for cars and trucks, by fully funding the CHIPS for America Act.
  • Work with our allies, close trading partners, and U.S. businesses to diversify and secure reliable global supply chains for critical goods, including by helping American small businesses relocate foreign operations back to the U.S. and, as appropriate, partner nations that share our values.
  • Invest in advanced manufacturing and workforce development, including through increased funding for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
  • Create a dedicated office within the Department of Commerce, improve data coordination and insight, and dedicate resources to strengthen supply chains, help prevent and respond to shortages, and support domestic manufacturing of critical goods.

2.     Create Jobs and Spur Innovation across the Country:

  • Establish new innovation centers in regions outside of existing technology hubs through a competitive grant program that awards grants for scientific and engineering research and related infrastructure, skilled workforce training, and economic development projects. 
  • Direct a portion of increased scientific research funding to these new innovation centers to maximize the impact of federal investments and unleash technology innovation and job creation.
  • Prioritize a competitive selection process that promotes regional diversity and communities with untapped resources and the potential to quickly build and support the growth of the local tech industry.
  • Expand graduate research fellowships and programs focused on undergraduate research opportunities at historically Black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, and tribal colleges and universities to train the next generation of job creators, scientists, and technologists. 

3.     Increase Investments in Scientific and Engineering Research:

  • Significantly increase federal research and development funding so America leads in innovation and the creation and commercialization of next-generation technologies.
  • Enhance basic science and engineering research at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and empower researchers and experts to pursue the full range of emerging science and technologies.
  • Establish and fully fund a Directorate of Science and Engineering Solutions at the NSF and ensure existing translational research activities, including through the Department of Energy’s Office of Science and NIST, are appropriately funded and directed, in order to accelerate translational research into commercial technology applications.

4.     Strengthen American Global Leadership:

  • Recommit the United States to global leadership and support of multilateral organizations and the rules-based international order to promote American values and ingenuity abroad, and strengthen ties with our allies and close trading partners.
  • Leverage and enhance diplomatic, trade and economic tools with strong Congressional oversight to strengthen American competitiveness in the global economy and meet the challenge of the People’s Republic of China’s unfair trade practices, market manipulations, censorship and surveillance, and human rights abuses in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and elsewhere.
  • Support international collaboration on research security standards and partnerships with allied countries and take stronger steps to secure U.S. intellectual property. 


As the largest Democratic Caucus in the HouseThe New Democrat Coalition is comprised of 97 forward-thinking Democrats who are committed to pro-economic growth, pro-innovation, and fiscally responsible policies. More on the NDC in the 117th Congress

