January 25, 2022

New Democrat Coalition Calls for Swift Action to Advance American Competitiveness Legislation

This Legislation Will Secure Supply Chains, Spur Innovation and Research, and Create Jobs

Today, following the introduction of the America COMPETES Act in the House, the New Democrat Coalition called for swift action to advance the legislation through the House and reach an agreement with the Senate to pass the final package. As leaders in technology and innovation policy, New Dems announced our top priorities for the legislation last month and will continue working to ensure that the final version reflects our priorities of securing U.S. supply chains for critical goods, creating jobs and spurring innovation across the country, increasing investments in scientific and engineering research, and strengthening American global leadership. 

“New Dems know that this legislation is a golden opportunity for Congress to solve the problems Americans are facing and set America up for success in the future,” said New Democrat Coalition Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01). “Now is the time to invest in U.S. innovation to lead the global economy, uphold and write the rules of the international order, strengthen our global supply chains, and spur domestic high-tech manufacturing of critical technologies like semiconductors and microchips. Doing so will grow our economy, cut costs for Americans, and fight long-term inflationary pressures. 

“As the legislative process moves forward, New Dems will work to ensure the final agreement reduces barriers to trade and levels the playing field so American workers and businesses can fairly compete in the global economy.  

“Our members stand ready to reach a strong agreement and get this bipartisan legislation across the finish line to the President’s desk as soon as possible to ensure our nation’s economic success and national security.” 

New Dems have been laser-focused on shaping and passing legislation that delivers tangible solutions to the challenges facing our communities so every American has the opportunity to succeed. We first helped write and pass the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which helped deliver the fastest economic recovery in history. Now, New Dems are focused on passing legislation that invests in U.S. global leadership, competitiveness, innovation, jobs, economic growth, and supply chains to address the economic concerns of the American people and reflect the priorities of our Members. We will continue to work with Congressional leadership, relevant committees, and our partners across the House and Senate to advance this bipartisan priority. 
