June 25, 2015

New Democrat Coalition Chairman’s Statement on Trade Package

Washington, DC – Today, due to the leadership of members of the New Democrat Coalition, the House of Representatives passed Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and the extension of many trade preferences, including the African Growth & Opportunity Act. With the passage of TAA now Trade Promotion Authority will be signed into law.

New Democrat Coalition Chairman Ron Kind (WI-3) released the following statement:

I commend my colleagues in both parties for their tireless efforts to pass this trade package. I also would like to recognize the group of 28 pro-trade democrats who stood together to ensure this legislation was passed,”

“TAA and TPA have always gone hand-in-hand, preserving the balance between a robust trade strategy and the need to keep our workers competitive. The New Democrats have ensured this critical link will continue to be upheld.”

The passage of Trade Promotion Authority is simply the first step in the process that gives President Obama the same authority every President since Franklin Roosevelt, except for President Nixon, has enjoyed. Members of the New Democrat Coalition will continue to be engaged in the process as we move towards finalizing trade agreements with the Pacific Rim and European Union nations.

A majority of the New Democrat Coalition Members supported TAA on both the failed June 12 vote and today’s vote.

