June 18, 2015

New Democrat Coalition Members Instrumental in Passing Trade Promotion Authority

Washington, DC – Today, twenty members of the New Democrat Coalition worked together to push Trade Promotion Authority forward. Every member of the 28 pro-trade democrats who voted in favor today also voted in favor of TPA last week. U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (WI-3), Chairman of the New Democrat Coalition released the following statement on the passage of Trade Promotion Authority:

“I commend my colleagues in both parties for their tireless efforts to pass this legislation. I also would like to recognize the group of 28 pro-trade democrats who stood together to ensure this legislation was passed,” stated Coalition Chairman Ron Kind.

“Although we have successfully passed TPA our work is not done. As Trade Adjustment Assistance comes to the floor again in the next few weeks I will continue to actively encourage my colleagues to stand up for our workers. TAA and TPA have always gone hand-in-hand, preserving the balance between a robust trade strategy and the need to keep our workers competitive. The New Democrats have pushed for, and will continue to push for this critical link to be upheld going forward.”

The passage of Trade Promotion Authority is simply the first step in the process that gives President Obama the same authority every President since Franklin D. Roosevelt, except for President Nixon, has enjoyed. For the first time in history the American people will have at least 90 days to review every line, every word, and every comma in the trade agreement. It requires the President to negotiate core labor, environmental, and human rights standards in the trade agreement that will help level the playing field for our workers, farmers, and businesses by being at the table writing the rules instead of having no rules at all or letting China write the rules.

The following New Democrat Coalition members voted for Trade Promotion Authority: Brad Ashford, Ami Bera, Don Beyer, Gerry Connolly, Jim Cooper, Susan Davis, John Delaney, Suzan DelBene, Jim Himes, Derek Kilmer, Ron Kind, Rick Larsen, Greg Meeks, Scott Peters, Jared Polis, Mike Quigley, Kathleen Rice, Kurt Schrader, Terri Sewell, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

