June 03, 2021

New Democrat Coalition Members Outline Infrastructure Priorities for American Jobs

Coalition Sends Letter Urging Chair DeFazio to Include NDC Priorities in Upcoming Infrastructure Packages

The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) endorsed several bills to modernize our infrastructure, create jobs, and grow the economy. The Coalition, led by NDC Infrastructure Task Force Co-Chairs Carolyn Bourdeaux and Norma Torres, and NDC Chair Suzan DelBene and Vice Chair for Policy Scott Peters, also sent a letter to Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Peter DeFazio urging the inclusion of NDC priorities in upcoming infrastructure packages as the House continues to develop legislation in response to the President’s American Jobs Plan, and as the Committee prepares to mark-up a surface transportation and infrastructure reauthorization bill.

The letter reads in part:

“The NDC is focused on growing the economy, creating good jobs and ensuring every American as the opportunity to earn a good life, and modernizing our infrastructure is one of the best investments we can make for our future. As the House continues to develop a legislative package in response to the President’s American Jobs Plan, New Dems believe our infrastructure package must build funding and financing to last, build resilient, innovative infrastructure for the future, and build with smart and inclusive planning, zoning, and development.”

Last month, Chair DelBene and the Infrastructure Task Force outlined the Coalition’s priorities for an infrastructure package and underlined the urgent need for robust investment. The NDC will continue to work with the Biden administration, Congressional Leadership, and Committees to advance policy solutions that embrace innovation and resilience and combat climate change; develop more affordable housing and promote equity and inclusion; prioritize smart planning, zoning, and development; invest in our long-term infrastructure needs and fiscal health; establish a national infrastructure bank; and create good jobs and widely-shared economic growth and opportunity.

View the full list of endorsed bills here.

Over the last few months, the NDC has held several meetings with senior Biden administration officials, House Leadership, and Committee Chairs to discuss the American Jobs Plan. NDC Members are well-positioned on key committees to help craft legislation through the Committee process and make up about 40 percent of the Democratic Members on the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.

Earlier this Congress, the NDC launched its Infrastructure Task Force and these endorsements build on the NDC’s 100 Day Agenda and Second Pillar: Modernize our infrastructure, combat climate change, and create jobs.

The full letter can be found here and below.


June 03, 2021

Dear Chairman DeFazio, 

Our nation’s infrastructure is in dire need of repair and modernization. The U.S. economy depends on a functioning transportation and infrastructure system that provides access to opportunity for every American, supports the efficient movement of workers and goods around the country, facilitates international trade, and is resilient to the threat of climate change. Under your leadership and in partnership with the Biden administration, we have a once in a generation opportunity to build back better for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.  

The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) is focused on growing the economy, creating good jobs, and ensuring every American has the opportunity to earn a good living, and modernizing our infrastructure is one of the best investments we can make for our future. As the House continues to develop a legislative package in response to the President’s American Jobs Plan, New Dems believe our infrastructure package must build funding and financing to last, build resilient, innovative infrastructure for the future, and build with smart and inclusive planning, zoning, and development. 

As the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee prepares to mark-up a surface transportation and infrastructure reauthorization bill, and as the House develops a broader infrastructure package, we respectfully request that you work with the New Democrat Coalition and our Members to include NDC priorities. Specifically, the NDC has endorsed several infrastructure bills which we hope to advance as part of the infrastructure package.   

Build Funding and Financing to Last 

We must invest in our long-term infrastructure needs and fiscal health by shoring up our infrastructure trust funds with sustainable funding, providing flexible financing tools for communities, including municipal bonds, private activity bonds, and enhancements to TIFIA and WIFIA, and leveraging federal and private capital with a self-sustaining national infrastructure bank.  

The NDC-endorsed bills to build funding and financing to last within the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s jurisdiction are: 

  • H.R.2683, the Helping Communities Invest in Infrastructure Act, Rep. Sharice Davids
  • H.R. 3651, the Revitalizing American Priorities for Infrastructure Development (RAPID) Act, Rep. Colin Allred  
  • H.R. 2474, the Invest in American Railroads Act, Reps. Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas 

Build Resilient, Innovative Infrastructure for the Future 

As we repair and modernize our nation’s infrastructure, we must build for the future by embracing innovations like high-speed rail and smart technology and materials, strengthening our communities with preparedness and resilience against threats including climate change, and supporting expansion transportation and infrastructure development that reduces congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. 

The NDC-endorsed bills to build resilient, innovative infrastructure for the future within the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s jurisdiction are: 

  • H.R. 512, the Green Bus Act, Rep. Julia Brownley  
  • H.R. 1845, the American High-Speed Rail Act, Reps. Seth Moulton, Suzan DelBene, and Brendan Boyle 
  • H.R. 867, the High Speed Rail Corridor Development Act, Rep. Jim Costa
  • H.R. 3334, the Building Up the Suburbs (BUS) Act, Reps. Carolyn Bourdeaux and Lucy McBath
  • H.R 3566, the National and Regional Greenways Act, Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux 
  • H.R. 2991, the Connecting America’s Active Transportation System Act, Rep. Chris Pappas 
  • H.R. 611, the ROCKS Act, Rep. Gregory Stanton 
  • H.R. 382, the Bikeshare Transit Act, Rep. Earl Blumenauer 
  • H.R. 2053, the Resiliency Enhancement Act, Rep. Stacey Plaskett 

Build with Smart and Inclusive Planning, Zoning, and Development   

In order to promote widely-shared economic growth, access to opportunity, and equity and inclusion, we should streamline and align planning and permitting processes, reform zoning and land-use policies including transit-oriented affordable housing development, and support communities with capacity building and regional planning efforts. 

The NDC-endorsed bills to build with smart and inclusive planning, zoning, and development within the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s jurisdiction are: 

  • H.R. 2483, the Build More Housing Near Transit Act, Reps. Scott Peters and Marilyn Strickland 
  • The Sustainable Communities Act, Rep. Norma Torres (pending reintroduction, 116th H.R. 927) 
  • H.R. 2177, the Fair Transportation Act, Rep. Norma Torres 
  • H.R. 1615, the More TOD Act, Rep. Anthony Brown 
  • H.R. 2833, the Reconnecting Communities Act, Reps. Anthony Brown and Lisa Blunt Rochester 

We thank you for consideration of these NDC-endorsed priorities and look forward to working together to advance infrastructure legislation that embraces innovation, is built to last, promotes equity and inclusion, and creates widely-shared economic growth and good jobs.  


Reps. Bourdeuax, Torres, DelBene, Peters, Davids, Plaskett, Bera, Kuster, Houlahan, Manning, Kilmer, Schneider, Allred, Blunt Rochester, Brownley, Bustos, Carbajal, Costa, Moulton, Pappas, Sewell, Sherrill, Stanton, and Strickland
