May 22, 2019

New Democrat Coalition Releases Technology Task Force Goals for the 116th Congress

Today, the New Democrat Coalition Technology Task Force Co-Chairs Darren Soto, Sharice Davids, Kendra Horn, and Harley Rouda released their goals for the 116th Congress. The Technology Task Force will meet with stakeholders and develop policy positions for the Coalition to advance in both the near term and long term.

Technology Task Force Mission Statement for the 116th Congress:

The New Democrat Coalition Technology Task Force will work to ensure that America leads the way in the 21st century economy. We will work to foster innovation and invest in groundbreaking emerging technologies; improve technological infrastructure and bridge the digital divide; and update out-of-date laws that fail to protect Americans’ privacy. Through our technology task force, we will fight to ensure that every American has the opportunity to benefit from the economic opportunities and advancement of our technology without sacrificing basic consumer protections and privacy.

“Technology is changing the world and enhancing our lives every day. Congress must ensure our laws and values keep up with this ever-evolving policy area, always with the best interests for our constituents in mind. From internet privacy and net neutrality to cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence, our New Democrat Technology Taskforce will help lead the charge to foster innovation and protect consumers,” said Congressman Darren Soto.

“I’m pleased to help lead the New Democrat Coalition Technology Task Force as we work to grow innovation, increase access to opportunity, and find forward-thinking solutions to our technology challenges,” said Congresswoman Sharice Davids. “The New Dems have a strong reputation for reaching across the aisle to get things done, and I’m ready to develop bipartisan, commonsense policy solutions that help the American people in the 21st economy.”

“I’m honored to serve on this task force to address the many, varied and important technological needs of our communities. Although the opportunities and challenges are different in Oklahoma and other places, one of the critical issues facing rural communities is broadband. Improving connectivity not only provides new opportunities for education, health care and jobs, it’s also critical for keeping our communities strong and ensuring everyone moves forward together,” said Congresswoman Kendra Horn. “I’m grateful for the chance to serve as co-chair on the task force and to tackle such important work.”

“When I ran a technology company, I watched industry glide into the 21st century while our public policy remained stuck in the 20th. Every generation of American parents has managed to create more opportunity and prosperity for their kids than they had. We risk being the first generation to break the pattern if we don’t harness technology to work for our economy instead of against it. I look forward to working with my fellow co-chairs and the whole New Democrat Coalition to tackle these challenges,” said Congressman Harley Rouda.

Technology Task Force for the 116th Congress:

  • Co-Chairs: Reps. Darren Soto, Sharice Davids, Kendra Horn, and Harley Rouda
  • Members: Reps. Ed Case, Charlie Crist, Bill Foster, Josh Gottheimer, and Brenda Lawrence

