August 24, 2021

New Democrat Coalition Reconciliation Priorities

New Dems are focused on advancing legislation that prioritizes doing a few things well for longer, over many things for short periods with near-term cliffs or significant delays, in order to maximize investments in the future, support our communities, and provide certainty for families, workers, and community businesses. We believe the reconciliation bill must: 

  1. Invest in the future of American children and families by making permanent or extending for as long as possible the enhanced and expanded child tax credit (CTC), at least through 2025.
  2. Create lasting jobs, opportunities, and widely-shared economic growth everywhere with flexible, robust 10-year comprehensive economic development grants and technical assistance to persistently distressed communities.
  3. Go big on climate and maximize emissions reductions by leveraging every decarbonization tool available and prioritizing policies with the greatest and most immediate results.
  4. Lower health care costs and build on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) towards universal access to affordable coverage and care by making the American Rescue Plan premium subsidies permanent and prioritizing uninsured and underserved communities. 

The NDC will continue to work with our Members and relevant committees to make sure the reconciliation bill advances under regular order in both name and spirit.
