United Steelworkers Note New Democrat Coalition's Commitment to Robust Trade Enforcement
From the United Steelworkers' Union's release noting the New Democrat Coalition's commitment to ensuring our trade laws are enforced:
The New Democrats' letter touches on the important Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) trade case currently before the Department of Commerce, which will issue a final determination at the end of this week and be shortly followed by a final hearing at the International Trade Commission (ITC). The case has significant implications for the domestic steel industry as close to 2 million tons of dumped OCTG steel have entered the market since 2010, primarily from South Korea and eight other countries.
Stressing the importance of a pro-growth and pro-worker trade strategy that exports more "Made in America" products, the New Democrats' letter highlights how trade should be matched by consistent enforcement of existing trade agreements and trade laws.
"Trade enforcement should not be a partisan issue," said United Steelworkers International President Leo W. Gerard. "USW members and non-union workers alike know firsthand the pain inflicted by foreign predatory, protectionist and unfair trade practices. Too often other nations target the U.S. market to fuel their own economic policies.
"These practices have increasingly resulted in the downsizing of manufacturing and the loss of good, family-supportive jobs, as companies have offshored and outsourced their production. If trade and trade agreements are to be effective for American workers it will take the long-term commitment of our congressional supporters and this administration to fully enforce our laws and trade agreements and provide the tools and resources needed to combat the anti-competitive practices of our trading partners."
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