August 16, 2023

ICYMI – New Dem Vice Chair for Policy Talks to CNBC about Launch of Artificial Intelligence Working Group

Yesterday, New Democrat Coalition Vice Chair for Policy Derek Kilmer (WA-06) went on CNBC’s Worldwide Exchange to talk about the launch of the Coalition’s first-ever Artificial Intelligence Working Group. As Chair of the Working Group, Kilmer will guide the Coalition’s efforts to develop and advance forward-thinking policies that both encourage innovation and guard against potential risks presented by this emerging technology. 

You can watch the clip here and read the full transcript below: 

Emily Wilkins: It is of course becoming harder and harder to tell when an image or a video is created by AI and some Members of Congress can see that impacting everything from national security to your reputation. We have exclusive information on the formation of a new working AI group headed up by Congressman Derek Kilmer and comprised of Members in the centrist New Democrat Coalition. Kilmer said ensuring people know what’s been faked by AI will be one of the group’s top priorities. 

Rep. Derek Kilmer: There’s real concerns about the potential for AI generated disinformation, real concerns about misuse of advanced AI models, and that’s the type of thing that requires Congress to get smart and get smart fast. And that’s where the New Democrat Coalition has really cut its teeth. 

Wilkins: Kilmer said he plans to reintroduce a bill that would require the Department of Homeland Security to report on deep fake videos. Other bills involving deep fakes would make it a crime to share altered photos showing real individuals in fake, compromising situations. Another bill requires AI images to come with a watermark showing that they are not authentic. Don, the new working group will also be digging into other issues around AI, including protecting workers who might lose their jobs to the new technology. 

