October 19, 2021

NDC Chair Statement Following Meeting with President Biden on Build Back Better Act

Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) met with President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Treasury Secretary Yellen at the White House to continue discussions on advancing the Build Back Better economic agenda and the NDC’s top policy priorities. Following the meeting, Chair DelBene released the below statement:

“Today’s meeting at the White House marks a step forward in getting both the Build Back Better Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act across the finish line,” said NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01). “Our meeting with President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Secretary Yellen was very productive, and we are appreciative of the President’s efforts as we work together to deliver immediate, impactful, and tangible results for the American people. New Dem Members ran on growing the economy, creating jobs and opportunities, and empowering middle-class workers and families, and we will continue to advocate for our core priorities to be included in the final bill. Our constituents elected President Biden and put the gavel in Democrats’ hands, and we are committed to showing that good governance works.”

New Dems are the center of gravity and majority makers in the House with 95 members. The Coalition has long advocated for doing a few things better for longer in the reconciliation bill to provide certainty to families, workers, communities, and businesses. The Coalition’s priorities for the Build Back Better Act include extending the enhanced Child Tax Credit (CTC), finishing the job on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by permanently extending the enhanced premium subsidies and closing the Medicaid coverage gap, going big on climate by maximizing emissions reductions, and creating lasting jobs and opportunities in persistently distressed communities.
