December 19, 2021

New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on Build Back Better Act Negotiations

Today, New Democrat Coalition Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) released the following statement on the Build Back Better Act negotiations: 

“The challenges our country faces are too big and the cost of inaction is too high to throw in the towel on Build Back Better negotiations now. Programs that New Dems fought for and secured in the House-passed Build Back Better Act address the most pressing issues for families and our nation. This legislation extends the enhanced Child Tax Credit, builds on the Affordable Care Act, tackles the climate crisis, and empowers communities to create lasting economic opportunities and jobs.

“Our members unanimously voted to advance the Build Back Better Act to the Senate last month, and we are still at the table, ready to reach an agreement on a bill that will get 218 votes in the House and 50 votes in the Senate. At the start of these negotiations many months ago, we called for prioritizing doing a few things well for longer, and we believe that adopting such an approach could open a potential path forward for this legislation.

“Americans across the country are depending on us, and New Dems will continue working with the Biden-Harris administration and our colleagues in Congress to advance the Build Back Better Act. Failure is not an option.”
