November 19, 2021

New Democrat Coalition Secures Historic Wins for Americans in the House-passed Build Back Better Act

Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Members celebrated the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, which will create jobs, lower costs for Americans, strengthen the middle class, and grow the economy. New Dems worked with President Biden and Congressional leaders to secure the Coalition’s top policy priorities in this once-in-a-generation legislation, including extending the enhanced Child Tax Credit, building on the Affordable Care Act, tackling the climate crisis, and empowering communities to create lasting economic development and jobs.  

The Coalition is committed to passing policies that make a real difference. The House passage of the Build Back Better Act, along with the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, proves that Democrats deliver, with New Dems leading the way. President Biden’s economic agenda will improve the lives of our Members’ constituents by making historic investments to build back better from the twin COVID-19 health and economic crises.  

“The House passage of the Build Back Better Act is an important step forward for our nation’s families, workers, and communities,” said NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01). “The New Democrat Coalition worked tirelessly to ensure that the final bill achieves robust, immediate, and long-term results for our constituents. Democrats ran on strengthening the middle class, expanding access to health care, growing the economy, and protecting our planet. With the enactment of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and House passage of the Build Back Better Act, we are delivering on those promises. We look forward to the Senate acting on this legislation so we can send the Build Back Better Act to the President’s desk as quickly as possible.” 

As part of the Build Back Better Act, the New Democrat Coalition secured its top priorities, which the NDC endorsed earlier this year: 

  1. Investing in the future and giving middle class families a tax cut by extending the enhanced Biden Child Tax Credit and making it permanently fully refundable. This provision is based on NDC Chair Suzan DelBene’s American Family Act
  2. Lowering costs and expanding access to affordable, quality health coverage and care by building on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), extending the American Rescue Plan’s enhanced premium subsidies, and prioritizing uninsured and underserved communities.  
  3. Creating lasting economic growth, jobs, and opportunities everywhere by establishing a Recompete pilot program to provide flexible, robust 10-year comprehensive economic development grants and technical assistance to persistently distressed communities. This provision is based on NDC Chair Emeritus Derek Kilmer’s RECOMPETE Act
  4. Going big on climate change and leveraging every decarbonization tool available to achieve the greatest and most immediate emissions reductions possible, create jobs, and position the U.S. to lead the world in the climate-forward economy. 

This month, New Democrat Coalition Members helped advance the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs, which includes 15 NDC-endorsed bills. Previously, the Coalition endorsed the Build Back Better Framework and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and advocated for swift action to send both bills to the President’s desk. New Dems are focused on delivering good policy and will continue working to advance legislation that improves the lives of the American people. With these bills, New Dems are finishing the job on our 100 Day Agenda to modernize our infrastructure, create jobs, combat climate change, protect and expand Americans’ access to health care, and address the pandemic to get people back to work. 
