May 01, 2019

New Democrat Coalition Endorses Broad Legislation to Fight Climate Change

Today, the House New Democrat Coalition announced its endorsement of H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act. The bill would prevent the United States from withdrawing from the Paris Agreement on climate change, and require the President to develop a plan for the country to meet its emissions reduction targets under the accords. 

New Democrat Coalition Chair Derek Kilmer, Vice Chair for Policy Suzan DelBene, and Climate Change Task Force Co-Chairs Reps. Don Beyer, Sean Casten, Elaine Luria, and Susan Wild released the following statement:

“The Climate Action Now Act represents the first of what we expect will be many important steps forward by the House on climate change. The announcement of the Paris Agreement was a moment when the United States made a commitment to progress, and we know that honoring that commitment is key to protecting Americans’ health, national security, and prosperity. We look forward to voting for the passage of this legislation, the first of its kind in a decade, and to working on the development of further solutions to rapidly address the threat of climate change.”

