June 18, 2021

New Democrat Coalition Leadership Members Urge Leadership and House Judiciary to Hold Legislative Hearings on Upcoming Antitrust Legislation

New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Leadership Members, led by Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01), sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, House Judiciary Committee Chair Nadler, and Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law Subcommittee Chair Cicilline requesting a legislative hearing on the five antitrust bills released by the subcommittee last week instead of proceeding directly to markup.

These bills could have tremendous adverse impacts on the products and services many American consumers currently enjoy and the competitiveness of our innovation economy, as well as privacy protections, cybersecurity, and the spread of misinformation and disinformation online.

The letter reads in part:

“We agree it is long overdue for Congress to enact laws that protect consumer’s rights and personal information in our ever increasingly digital world. However, these are complex issues with far reaching implications. The complexity of this topic is highlighted by major ongoing antitrust litigation that could substantively impact the approach Congress should take on these topics. Legislation on topics as multifaceted and important as this one should be given the appropriate time and consideration.”

 In keeping with the Coalition’s request earlier this year that House leadership uphold regular order in name and in spirit, the NDC is requesting full legislative hearings on these specific bills to ensure the impacts and the intended and unintended consequences of the legislation are fully understood.

The full letter can be found here and below.



June 18, 2021

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, Chair Nadler, and Subcommittee Chair Cicilline,

Last week, the House Committee on Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law released text for five antitrust bills targeting a limited number of U.S. companies.[1] The scope and impact of these bills could have a tremendous impact on the products and services many American consumers currently enjoy and the competitiveness of our innovation economy. Notably, stakeholders and policy experts are raising concerns these proposals may weaken personal privacy protections, cybersecurity, and increase the spread of dangerous conspiracy theories and misinformation. On behalf of the New Democrat Coalition, instead of proceeding directly to markup, we respectfully request you hold full legislative hearings on these specific bills to better understand their impacts and the intended and unintended consequences of the legislation.

We agree it is long overdue for Congress to enact laws that protect consumer’s rights and personal information in our ever increasingly digital world. However, these are complex issues with far reaching implications. The complexity of this topic is highlighted by major ongoing antitrust litigation that could substantively impact the approach Congress should take on these topics. Legislation on topics as multifaceted and important as this one should be given the appropriate time and consideration.

That is why we believe it is important that the Committee delay the markup and hold full legislative hearings on these proposals to ensure they are thoroughly examined and provide Members with the ability to fully utilize their policy expertise to ensure we craft sound legislation with the broadest coalition of support. Members should be given the opportunity to engage in substantive drafting, debate, amendments, and consideration of this legislation to ensure it truly represents the best interests of the American people. 

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to engaging with you on this critically important topic.


Reps. DelBene, Peters, Davids, Kuster, Houlahan, Manning, Schneider, and Plaskett

[1] Bipartisan Legislation Will Restore Competition to Digital Marketplace and Rein in Largest Tech Platforms. "House Lawmakers Release Anti-Monopoly Agenda for "A Stronger Online Economy: Opportunity, Innovation, Choice"." House Lawmakers Release Anti-Monopoly Agenda for "A Stronger Online Economy: Opportunity, Innovation, Choice" | Congressman David Cicilline. Accessed June 17, 2021. https://cicilline.house.gov/press-release/house-lawmakers-release-anti-monopoly-agenda-stronger-online-economy-opportunity.
