January 29, 2021

New Democrat Coalition January Recap 1/29/21

The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) hopes everyone had a safe and healthy New Year.

The start of 2021 has not gone how anyone would have expected. The New Democrat Coalition celebrated the swearing in of our returning Members, as well as five new Members on January 3rd. Like most Americans, we were already back at work planning for the beginning of the year and the start of the 117th Congress, optimistic about our nation’s future and the incoming Biden-Harris administration. Then on the afternoon of January 6, a mob stormed the Capitol seeking to disrupt the rightful certification of the presidential election and bring harm to former Vice President Pence, Members of Congress, staff, and U.S. Capitol workers and officers. We remain grateful to the U.S. Capitol Police, other law enforcement, and the National Guard members who took action to stop this threat to our democracy and allow Members to reconvene and complete their constitutional duty.

Our democracy proved stronger than those who illegitimately sought to overturn it, but our nation must remain vigilant and committed to the upholding our free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power. Following the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, every NDC Member upheld their solemn duty and voted to pass a bipartisan article of impeachment against former President Donald Trump. NDC Leadership Member Stacey Plaskett (VI-AL), Joaquin Castro (TX-20), and Madeleine Dean (PA-04) are among the Members appointed as impeachment managers by Speaker Pelosi and will work to hold the former president accountable for his role in undermining our democracy, spreading disinformation about the election, and inciting the violence at the Capitol.

Two weeks after the insurrection, New Democrats joined millions of Americans in celebrating the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris as the President and Vice President of the United States. The NDC shares their vision to build back better with innovative, bold policy solutions, and has been in frequent contact with the Biden administration coordinating on COVID relief and other priorities for the first 100 days.

This week, the Coalition endorsed and released a slate of policy priorities to end the pandemic, support American workers, families, businesses, and communities, and grow the economy and create jobs. Members discussed these priorities with NEC Director Brian Deese and COVID-19 Task Force Coordinator Jeffrey Zients during a meeting this week, mentioned during a daily press briefing by White House Secretary Jen Psaki, and NDC Leadership Members sent a letter to President Biden and House Leadership urging them to take action on the proposals

The NDC also released its First 100 Day Agenda to achieve durable progress on our nation’s most pressing issues, including ending the pandemic, spurring equitable economic growth and opportunities, tackling climate change, modernizing our infrastructure, protecting and expanding affordable health care, restoring global leadership, defending our democracy, and building a fair and inclusive immigration system.

More on what New Dems have been up to in the past month below. 


NDC Highlights


NDC Unveils First 100 Day Policy Priorities

The NDC, led by NDC Leadership Members, endorsed and unveiled its First 100 Days Agenda. Through this agenda, the NDC will take actionable steps to end the pandemic, create jobs, and solve the challenges of the 21st century. In the first 100 days, the NDC will work to:

1. End the pandemic and get people back to work.

New Dems will work to end the pandemic and reopen schools and our economy safely; protect workers, families, and local businesses; help the hardest hit, especially communities of color, and stimulate the economy.

2. Modernize our infrastructure, combat climate change, and create jobs.

New Dems will work to update our transportation infrastructure; create quality jobs; tackle climate change; build our clean energy future; invest in our nation’s preparedness and resilience; develop more affordable housing; and close the digital divide.

3. Protect and expand Americans’ health care.

New Dems will take immediate action to reengage in the international community as a dependable global leader and ally; bolster democracy and renew faith in government; lead with a smart and targeted national security strategy; enact a trade agenda that works for American workers, farmers, and businesses; and build a fair and inclusive immigration system and work to enact comprehensive immigration reform.

4. Restore American global leadership.

New Dems will take immediate action to reengage in the international community as a dependable global leader and ally; bolster democracy and renew faith in government; lead with a smart and targeted national security strategy; enact a trade agenda that works for American workers, farmers, and businesses; and build a fair and inclusive immigration system and work to enact comprehensive immigration reform.

Read the NDC’s full First 100 Day Agendaone-pager, and statements of support. Read more on Twitter and listen on KIRO Radio.


NDC Urges President Biden, House Leadership to Act on COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Priorities

The NDC sent a letter to President Joe Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging action on a slate of bold, innovative policies to help end the pandemic and rebuild robust economic growth and opportunity that works for every American. The slate of eleven NDC-endorsed bills are organized into three categories:

Create More Widely Shared Economic Growth, Opportunity and Jobs in All Parts of the Country

  • The American Family Act to enhance and expand the CTC, and make the CTC fully refundable and paid monthly (Led by Reps. Rosa DeLauro & Suzan DelBene).
  • The Build Back Better Act to provide flexible grants to persistently distressed communities to create quality jobs, connect residents to opportunities, and provide workers with resources to access and retain work (Led by Rep. Derek Kilmer).
  • The Innovation Centers Acceleration Act to launch a national race-to-the-top grant program to establish new American Innovation Centers in regions outside of existing advanced technology hubs (Led by Reps. Joseph Morelle & Terri Sewell).  

Support Workers, Families, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments, and Businesses

  • An updated version of the Worker Relief and Security Act to provide for the automatic continuation and adjustment of the emergency pandemic UI provisions for the duration of the national public health emergency and economic crisis (Led by Reps. Don Beyer, Derek Kilmer, and Scott Peters).
  • The New Business Preservation Act to create a new $2 billion program at the Treasury Department that will partner with states to invest in promising new businesses alongside private investors in areas of the country that do not currently attract significant equity investment (Led by Rep. Dean Phillips).
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Proposal to provide $10 billion in funding to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for grants to states, D.C., territories, and tribes (Led by Rep. David Trone).

End the Pandemic, Equitably Deploy the Vaccine and Testing, Reopen Safely, and Prepare for Future Crises

  • Rapid At-Home Antigen Testing Proposal to quickly scale-up manufacturing and deployment of inexpensive, frequent, rapid COVID-19 tests at home, school or the workplace (Led by Reps. Kim Schrier & Bill Foster).
  • The Coronavirus Vaccine and Therapeutic Development Act to authorize $20 billion in funding through HHS for vaccine and therapeutic development, research, procurement, and expanded manufacturing capacity. The bill also establishes additional reporting requirements (Led by Rep. Annie Kuster).
  • The Vaccine Fairness Act to require the administration to report weekly on the number of vaccines distributed and administered, federal measures taken to ensure the vaccine reaches high-risk groups, supply chain bottlenecks, and progress on public outreach and education (Led by Rep. Angie Craig).
  • The Health STATISTICS Act to improve COVID-19 research by fixing detrimental inconsistencies in data collection and essential reporting to effectively combat the coronavirus pandemic (Led by Reps. Scott Peters & Lucy McBath).
  • Technology Modernization Fund Proposal to provide $9 billion in funding for the Technology Modernization Fund to improve federal government IT systems to better support activities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally (Led by Rep. Gerry Connolly).

Read the full list of billsthe letter to President Joe Biden, and the letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Read more about the NDC’s efforts on the upcoming relief and recovery packages in The Hill.

ICYMI: Politico Morning Trade: New Dems’ Trade Agenda

The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) released its First 100 Day Agenda to take actionable steps to end the pandemic, create jobs, and solve the challenges of the 21st century. Within the First 100 Day Agenda, the NDC outlines how it will fight to restore American global leadership and promote its trade agenda in the 117th Congress. The NDC believes the United States must recommit multilateralism and return to rules-based trade policy that benefits American workers, farmers, and businesses. Read the NDC’s full 100 Day Agenda, one-pager, and statements of support. Read more in Politico Morning Trade

NDC Chair Statement on the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) issued a statement following the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as President of the United States and Kamala D. Harris as Vice President of the United States: “President Biden and Vice President Harris are the leaders we need in this historic moment, not only to tackle these challenges with facts, experience, and integrity but also to build us back better than before and renew the American dream that so many have been shut out of for decades. As the Chair of the New Democrat Coalition, we are ready to partner with this administration to move our country forward.” Read her full statement.

Game-Changer: Top House Democrats on Biden Support for Automatic Triggers

Rep. Don Beyer (VA-08), incoming Chair of the Joint Economic Committee, NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01), and NDC Chair Emeritus Derek Kilmer (WA-06) expressed their delight at President-elect Biden’s game-changing support for automatic stabilizers, tying unemployment benefits to pandemic and economic conditions. Rep. Beyer and NDC leaders initially introduced their framework for automatic stabilizer legislation, the Worker Relief and Security Act, last May, and followed up with a full bill in July. Some of the economists and policy thinkers who helped their legislative push with advice and advocacy have since been named to prominent economic posts by the President-elect.

NDC Chair Statement on Biden-Harris Administration’s Emergency Relief Package

NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) issued a statement following the Biden-Harris Administration’s release of a legislative package to fund vaccinations and provide immediate, direct economic relief to working families and communities bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis: “New Dems welcome the release of President-elect Biden’s legislative package and look forward to achieving our shared priorities with the incoming administration. Americans need additional aid and stimulus as our nation continues to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic crisis.” Read her full statement.

NDC Chair Statement on the Second Impeachment of President Trump

NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) issued a statement following the second impeachment of President Donald J. Trump: “…an armed mob assaulted the very embodiment of our democracy, the U.S. Capitol… The sitting President of the United States undeniably incited the deadly events of January 6… with the support of every Member of the New Democrat Coalition, the House of Representatives passed a bipartisan article of impeachment against President Trump.” Read her full statement.



Featured Video

Wexton Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Funding for Childhood Cancer and Rare Disease Research

Rep. Jennifer Wexton (VA-10) introduced the bipartisan Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0 to provide a new source of funding for the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) childhood cancer and rare disease research program. The bill redirects penalties collected from pharmaceutical, cosmetic, supplement, and medical device companies that break the law to NIH. Watch Rep. Wexton speak with Ellyn, the mother of Gabriella Miller, a Virginia-10 resident who was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and passed away in 2013 at age 10.


NDC Committee Positions

NDC Members Secure Notable Positions as Committee Chairs, Committee Vice Chairs, and Subcommittee Chairs

NDC Members have successfully secured powerful positions as Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Subcommittee Chairs. More on NDC’s membership in the 117th Congress.


NDC Member Legislation

Schneider Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Domestic Terrorism

NDC Leadership Member Brad Schneider (IL-10) and Reps. Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) and Lou Correa (CA-46) introduced the bipartisan Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act to strengthen law enforcement efforts to prevent, report on, respond to, and investigate acts of domestic terrorism.

Houlahan Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Spark Job Creation and Innovation

NDC Whip Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06) introduced the bipartisan Research Advancing to Market Production (RAMP) for Innovators Act to support American innovation by enhancing commercialization services for federally funded research and development.

Larsen, Smith, Schrier, Davids, Carson, Rice Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect and Restore Aerospace Supply Chain Jobs

Reps. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Adam Smith (WA-09), Kim Schrier (WA-08), NDC Vice Chair Sharice Davids (KS-03), Andre Carson (IN-07), and Kathleen Rice (NY-04) introduced the bipartisan Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection Act to help prevent and recall aerospace supply chain furloughs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill establishes a temporary relief program to provide a 50% cost-share to help cover costs of pay, benefits, and training for employees at risk of being furloughed or who were furloughed due to the pandemic.

Connolly Introduces Bicameral Legislation to Give Federal Employees a Pay Raise

Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11) introduced the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act to provide federal employees with a 3.2% pay increase in calendar year 2022. The Senate companion bill will soon be introduced.

Fletcher Introduces Legislation to Stop Surprise Medical Bills for COVID-19 Tests

Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) introduced the Stop Surprise Medical Billing for COVID-19 Tests Act to close loopholes that allow insurers to arbitrarily charge cost-shares. The bill clarifies to insurance providers that individuals can get tested for any reason, directs federal health officials to issue guidance on how to submit claims to protect patients from surprise bills, and provides transparency in testing pricing.

Norcross Introduces Bills to Expand Apprenticeships, Improve Workforce Training, and Reopen America’s Schools

Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) introduced two pieces of legislation to expand apprenticeship programs, improve workforce training, and reopen American’s schools safely:

Brownley Introduces Legislative Packages to Invest in Transportation & Infrastructure and Support Women Veterans

Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26) introduced two legislative packages:

Carbajal Introduces Two Bills to Protect California’s Public Lands and Coasts:

Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) introduced two bills to protect California’s public lands and coasts from oil and gas fracking and leasing:

  • The California Land Protection Act with Reps. Julia Brownley (CA-26) and Jimmy Panetta (CA-20) to block new fracking or oil and gas drilling on federal lands on California’s central and southern coasts. The bill is a direct response to the Trump administration’s move last year to allow the Bureau of Land Management to pursue oil and gas leasing on over 1.2 million acres of California land, including San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.
  • The California Clean Coast Act to permanently ban future offshore oil and gas leasing in areas of the Outer Continental Shelf off the coast of California.

Dean Introduces Legislation to Increase Funding for Mental Health Screenings and Services

Rep. Madeleine Dean (PA-04) introduced the Community Health Center Mental Health Screening Act to ensure community health centers have the resources required to maintain their quality mental health services as mental health needs remain at an all-time high. 


NDC Member Action

McBath, Dean Named to Leadership Positions in the Bipartisan Women’s Caucus for the 117th Congress

Reps. Lucy McBath (GA-06) and Madeleine Dean (PA-04) were named Vice Chairs of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues for the 117th Congress.

Peters: Only Fast Action Can Curb Planetary Healing in Time via The Hill

NDC Vice Chair Scott Peters (CA-52), along with Californian climate scientists, penned an op-ed in The Hill to outline measures that Congress must take to successfully address the climate crisis, including combatting super pollutants to bend the warming curve: “To ensure a fast start, we propose the U.S. Congress enact a fast mitigation, "Bend the Warming Curve Initiative" that includes legislation to enact these measures. It would jump start a 10-year sprint to prevent spiking temperatures long enough to achieve net zero emissions, remove the excess CO2, and restore a safe climate. The future of our planet — and the safety of our children — is at stake. We must act with urgency.” Rep. Peters’ work was also highlighted in the San Diego Union Tribune.

Himes: America Almost Lost Its Democracy, Here’s How Its Citizens Can Protect It via CNN

Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04) penned an op-ed in CNN reflecting on what the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol means for the United States: “On January 6, America almost lost its democracy. I was in the House chamber as officers piled furniture in front of doors and pointed their weapons at insurrectionists intent on tearing down humankind's most recognized temple to self-government.”

Carbajal: One of My Top Priorities in Congress: Protecting Central Coast’s Priceless Public Lands via San Luis Obispo Tribune

Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) penned an op-ed in the San Luis Obispo Tribune addressing the importance of protecting California public lands: “This past year damaged our democracy, our economy and our collective national health. We were tested, but as we look ahead, I’m optimistic about our future. With a new administration and fresh ideas on Capitol Hill, I’m reassured that the best days for the American people and our treasured public lands are yet to come. I’m excited to see how we in Congress, along with President Biden, can hold onto and build upon this momentum in 2021. We’re certainly heading in the right direction.”

Trahan: Seeing, Listening, and Helping Others. That’s What Makes Us Strong via The Lowell Sun

Rep. Lori Trahan (MA-03) penned an op-ed in The Lowell Sun reflecting on the January 20th inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States and Kamala Harris as Vice President of the United States: “President Biden made clear the role that every one of us must play in uniting our country — seeing, listening, and helping others. That’s what makes us strong, and that’s what will propel us out of this dark time. I am more motivated than ever to live up to that responsibility and to get to work for the families, workers, and small businesses across the Third District.”
