January 31, 2024

New Democrat Coalition Leadership Statement on House Passage of Bipartisan Tax Package

New Dem Leadership previously expressed support for the package and urged Speaker Johnson to swiftly bring it to the floor

Today, New Democrat Coalition Leadership released a statement following the House floor vote on the bipartisan tax bill. The package reflects several priorities outlined in the Coalition’s December endorsement slate of tax legislation. 

The legislation passed by a vote of 357-70, with the majority of New Dems voting in favor:

“New Dems applaud today’s passage of a bipartisan, bicameral tax package that delivers on several priorities long-championed by our Coalition, including expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, incentivizing research and development investment, supporting Main Street businesses, and strengthening our trade relationship with Taiwan.

“While this package isn’t perfect, particularly in its omission of a fully enhanced CTC, it will make meaningful changes to the tax code that empower hardworking families and small businesses to achieve their financial goals, bolstered by the strength of our growing economy.

“Despite Republican chaos, today’s passage demonstrates the progress we can make when Democrats and Republicans work together to find common ground and govern from the middle out. New Dems call on the Senate to bring this bill to the floor quickly and look forward to continuing our work throughout the remainder of the 118th Congress to deliver commonsense, bipartisan solutions for the American people.”
