
June 09, 2017

Rep. Jim Himes Urges Bipartisanship on Infrastructure

by New Democrat Coalition

“In an alternate reality, we might have had a President who tried to bind us together after a divisive election through a bold plan to rebuild and repair our nation’s transportation infrastructure. Sadly, that was not the case. But, there is still time to get this work done on behalf of the American people in a bipartisan way.” — Rep. Jim Himes, Chair of the New Democrat Coalition Rep. Jim Himes, Chair of the New Democrat Coalition, spoke about the importance of … Continue Reading

May 05, 2017

New Democrat Coalition Speaks Out Against the GOP Health Care Bill

by New Democrat Coalition

The New Democrat Coalition Members, including several Members on the Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce Committees, spoke out against the health care bill House Republicans passed that is dead on arrival in the Senate. Reps. Suzan DelBene, Ron Kind, and Terri Sewell sit on the Ways and Means Committee and Reps. Tony Cardenas, Eliot Engel, Scott Peters, and Kurt Schrader sit on the Energy and Commerce Committee. “Ibelieve that we are not a cruel country — that we are … Continue Reading

March 23, 2017

Unlike Their Republican Colleagues, New Democrats Have Been Listening to Their Constituents

by New Democrat Coalition

From San Diego to Florida and in over 60 districts in between, New Democrats have packed school gyms and churches to listen to their constituents. Since January, New Democrats have spoken with impassioned crowds that have expressed their concerns about the uncertainty of affordable health care coverage. President Trump and Congressional Republicans have taken steps toward dismantling the Affordable Care Act, even after the New Democrat Coalition sent letters urging Trump and Republicans … Continue Reading

March 09, 2017

New Democrat Coalition Speaks Out Against the GOP AHCA Bill

by New Democrat Coalition

The New Democrat Coalition Members, including several Members on the Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce Committees, spoke out against the fiscally irresponsible GOP American Health Care Act (AHCA) bill. The long-awaited Republican health care plan means less coverage, fewer protections and higher costs for Americans. House Republicans are trying to force Members to vote on their bill without a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score. Congress has relied on the CBO for decades to provide a … Continue Reading

February 10, 2017

New Democrats Respond to President Trump’s Refugee Executive Order

by New Democrat Coalition

Yesterday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed that President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration is unconstitutional and upheld the stay on the President’s immigration ban. The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is a victory for American values, national security and common sense. “The opinion of every national security and intelligence expert I have spoken as a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence … Continue Reading

February 02, 2017

New Democrat Coalition Chair Emeritus Introduces Bill to Boost Economic Growth in Rural and Under-served Communities

by New Democrat Coalition

New Dem Chair Emeritus Congressman Ron Kind (WI-03) introduced the Investing in Opportunity Act, which will boost economic growth in communities that have been left behind by incentivizing more private sector investment. The New Democrat Coalition is committed to growing the economy and increasing opportunities for all Americans. New Democrats support solutions to boost private sector investment to help communities across the country grow and thrive so that all Americans feel they are getting … Continue Reading

February 02, 2017

New Democrat Coalition Launches New Policy Task Forces

by New Democrat Coalition

As proven by the first days of President Trump's administration, our country has entered unchartered and uncertain waters. During President Obama's tenure, the New Democrat Coalition worked closely with him to develop policies that would help Americans get ahead in a changing economy and keep America secure. We sought to advance ideas that would bring the staples of a middle-class life to more folks, particularly in a world where technology is changing how people live and work. The New … Continue Reading

October 17, 2016

Rep. Polis and FWD.us Applaud the International Entrepreneur Rule

by New Democrat Coalition

Last week, New Dem Vice-Chair Rep. Jared Polis joined FWD.us for a town hall on the International Entrepreneur Rule which will allow the world’s most talented entrepreneurs to start and scale the next generation of innovative companies in the United States. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) proposed the new rule, which would allow certain international entrepreneurs to be granted temporary permission to stay in the U.S. to … Continue Reading

September 16, 2016

Higher Ed for All

by New Democrat Coalition

Right now, we are faced with an opportunity to make higher education more accessible to all young Americans - and to ease the financial burden on those currently in (or just out of) school. As New Dems, we're looking for ways to ensure America keeps its competitive edge in education and in the workforce. Helping students succeed today puts America on the right track for years to come. That's why we released a set of policy priorities for higher education that lay out what we need to do to … Continue Reading

August 17, 2016


by New Democrat Coalition

You’ve likely heard of it, or maybe you’ve experienced it firsthand. #Ghosting is a phenomenon that has changed the dating game. Ghosting is the act of completely cutting off contact with someone, ignoring their texts and phone calls, and not providing an explanation for ending the relationship. Recently, ghosting has also changed politics. Right now, qualified public servants are being ghosted by the Republican-majority Senate. The Senate has left key … Continue Reading

April 20, 2016

New Dems Discussed Plans to Grow the Economy in Every Town and City

by New Democrat Coalition

Our economy is changing, and so must our efforts to find the most innovative, effective solutions for adapting to those changes. In response to Americans' concern over the changing economy, the New Democrat Coalition developed the American Prosperity Agenda to help hardworking Americans thrive in the changing global economy. Earlier this week, New Dems Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52) and Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA-06) spoke on the House floor about the American Prosperity Agenda's Winning the … Continue Reading

March 15, 2016

Tomorrow’s Middle Class Prosperity Depends on What We Do Today.

by New Democrat Coalition

There is no question that today’s economy isn’t the one I grew up in. And, it won’t be the one my grandchildren grow up in either. In the past two decades, the Internet and a rapid boom in technology have forever changed the shape of our economy. Americans have seen the immense benefits these technological advances have had in their everyday lives. However, more and more Americans are concerned about what these changes may mean for their place in the economy. In response, … Continue Reading

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