June 18, 2024

NDC Immigration and Border Security Task Force Leaders Applaud President Biden’s Executive Orders to Expand Legal Pathways for Families and Dreamers

President Biden’s new actions reflect the priorities laid out in the Task Force’s Framework for Commonsense Immigration and Border Security Reform

Today, New Democrat Coalition Immigration and Border Security Task Force Chair Greg Stanton (AZ-04) and Vice Chair Salud Carbajal (CA-24) issued a statement following the announcement of new actions by President Biden that expand legal pathways to citizenship for noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens and their children as well as make it easier for Dreamers to obtain temporary work permits.

“Today, President Biden has followed through on his pledge to address our immigration crisis by pairing increased border security with expanded legal pathways for immigrants who have built a life and a family in America.

“By expanding legal pathways for non-citizen spouses, President Biden is doing right by folks who have lived and worked in our communities for decades, by ensuring vital resources are devoted to not only addressing border security and the backlog in our immigration courts but also keeping families together. These new actions will also help to bolster our domestic workforce by expediting the work permit process for Dreamers who have earned a college degree and are ready to use their skills and education to support the U.S. economy.

“While we applaud President Biden for taking action to restore order at the southern border and expand legal pathways, executive orders are not a substitute for Congressional action. It’s time for Republicans to stop using the southern border as a political football and work with Democrats to pass the ??bipartisan border bill.”

New Dems have consistently fought for bipartisan, commonsense immigration and border security reform in 2024. NDC Leadership commended President Biden for his executive action earlier in June, but called on Congress to pass “real, sustained investments in border security and meaningful immigration reform.”

Back in February, New Dem leaders quickly supported the bipartisan border deal negotiated earlier this year, and urged Speaker Johnson to put partisan games aside and bring the package to the House floor.

After Congressional Republicans rejected the border deal at Trump’s request, the NDC Immigration and Border Security Task Force released its framework for immigration and border security reform to serve as a baseline for further bipartisan negotiations.

In May, in preparation for the FY2025 appropriations process, Immigration and Border Security Task Force Chair Greg Stanton (AZ-04) and Gabe Vasquez (NM-02) led the Coalition’s letter to the House Appropriations Committee outlining immigration and border security priorities. Additionally, Chair Stanton and Vice Chair Salud Carbajal (CA-24) issued a statement on the 100th day since Senate Republicans blocked a vote on the border deal, once again calling on Republicans to take border security seriously.

On the 12th anniversary of the DACA program, Task Force leadership reaffirmed their commitment to protecting DACA recipients, long-term undocumented individuals and their families.
