In The News
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Patrick Murphy
Rep. Murphy receives the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce at the Martin County Council of Chambers of Commerce. Why he's proud to be a New Dem: "Given my private sector experience before coming to Congress, I understand firsthand that small businesses need certainty and stability to boost our economy and create jobs. Unfortunately, too many common-sense, pro-growth policies have gotten caught up in partisan bickering in the past few Congresses. That's … Continue Reading
May 30, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Patrick Murphy
Rep. Murphy receives the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce at the Martin County Council of Chambers of Commerce. Why he's proud to be a New Dem: "Given my private sector experience before coming to Congress, I understand firsthand that small businesses need certainty and stability to boost our economy and create jobs. Unfortunately, too many common-sense, pro-growth policies have gotten caught up in partisan bickering in the past few Congresses. … Continue Reading
May 30, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Patrick Murphy
Rep. Murphy receives the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce at the Martin County Council of Chambers of Commerce. Why he's proud to be a New Dem: "Given my private sector experience before coming to Congress, I understand firsthand that small businesses need certainty and stability to boost our economy and create jobs. Unfortunately, too many common-sense, pro-growth policies have gotten caught up in partisan bickering in the past few Congresses. … Continue Reading
May 28, 2014
ICYMI: Rep. Patrick Murphy Unveils Plan to #ReinventRegulation in The Hill
Cutting through the regulatory thicket By Reps. Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.) and Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) Regulatory accumulation-the layering of new rules atop old rules year after year, decade after decade-is smothering economic innovation and entrepreneurship in America. Regulations, once enacted, linger on the books forever, achieving the political equivalent of immortality, often becoming outdated, irrelevant, and burdensome. But the solution isn't just fewer regulations; it's smarter … Continue Reading
May 12, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Annie Kuster
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) Congresswoman Kuster meets with students working on an innovative technology project during a tour to promote STEM education and learning in New Hampshire's Second Congressional District. Why she's proud to be a New Dem: "Granite Staters count on their leaders to help foster innovation and job growth in our state. The New Democrat Coalition knows we must embrace new technologies and opportunities in order to revive our … Continue Reading
May 12, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Annie Kuster
Congresswoman Kuster meets with students working on an innovative technology project during a tour to promote STEM education and learning in New Hampshire's Second Congressional District. Why she's proud to be a New Dem: "Granite Staters count on their leaders to help foster innovation and job growth in our state. The New Democrat Coalition knows we must embrace new technologies and opportunities in order to revive our manufacturing sector and help our small businesses grow. … Continue Reading
April 22, 2014
ICYMI: New Dems Profiled in Spanish-Language La Opinion
Read a translated version of the La Opinion piece highlighting the New Democrat Coalition's efforts below: New Democrats, new Hispanics? For the first time in the 113th Congress, the caucus created an immigration working group. At the moment eight Latino legislators are part of the New Democrat Coalition. Antonieta Cádiz PUBLISHED: Apr, 18, 2014 2:23 pm EST Neither the base nor leadership dares say so out loud, but if Democrats want to take back the House of … Continue Reading
April 14, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Denny Heck
Congressman Heck meets with AlphaGraphics Tacoma in Fife, Washington. The company opened in 2012 with 3 employees and has since hired 5 more. Why He's Proud to Be a New Dem: "America needs leaders willing to propose serious solutions to tackle the toughest problems of our time, and the New Democrat Coalition is ready to step in and fill the void. We care about the middle class and those working to get into it. We believe the best ideas come from evidence-based and data-driven … Continue Reading
April 11, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Denny Heck
New Dem of the Week: Denny Heck (WA-10) Congressman Heck meets with AlphaGraphics Tacoma in Fife, Washington. The company opened in 2012 with 3 employees and has since hired 5 more. Why He's Proud to Be a New Dem: "America needs leaders willing to propose serious solutions to tackle the toughest problems of our time, and the New Democrat Coalition is ready to step in and fill the void. We care about the middle class and those working to get into it. We believe the best ideas come … Continue Reading
April 08, 2014
ICYMI: Rep. Ron Kind in Republic 3.0 - "Enough Dramacracy"
The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Don Wolfensberger recently wrote that one of “the main obstacles” to results-driven legislating is “an excess of dramacracy - acting out rather than acting on problems.” I couldn’t agree more. Today, we live in more dramacracy than democracy, with not enough leaders willing to do the serious, substantive work to fix problems. That needs to change. When Americans look back on the 113th Congress, it will not be considered our democracy’s finest hour. They’ll … Continue Reading
April 03, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Scott Peters
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52) Congressman Peters meets with researchers who are working on cutting-edge medical techniques to reduce costs and improve outcomes for patients. Why he's proud to be a New Dem: We need a government that is focused on preparing our country for our future, not fighting the battles of the past. Embracing solutions that reduce costs and bureaucracy by using technology and engaging the private sector must be at the center of our path forward. … Continue Reading
April 03, 2014
New Dem of the Week: Rep. Scott Peters
[[{"fid":"56","view_mode":"full","fields":{"format":"full","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Congressman Peters meets with researchers who are working on cutting-edge medical techniques to reduce costs and improve outcomes for patients. ","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Congressman Peters meets with researchers who are working on cutting-edge medical techniques to reduce costs and improve outcomes for patients. … Continue Reading
March 24, 2014
ICYMI: Rep. Derek Kilmer in The Hill: Renew Trade Adjustment Assistance
Renew trade adjustment assistance By Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.) Growing up in Port Angeles, Washington, I saw firsthand the pain and difficulty that many families felt due to job losses in the timber industry. Seeing their struggles led me to become an economic development professional in Washington state and later to run for Congress. I knew that if I could help people find work together we could build a stronger regional economy and put the tough times behind us. That's why I was pleased … Continue Reading
February 27, 2014
ICYMI: Rep. Jared Polis in Roll Call: A Quick Fix for the Economy and Job Creation
Read Congressman Jared Polis's op-ed on comprehensive immigration reform below: Your neighbors have lived in their home for years. Their kids grew up with your kids, you’ve shared barbecues and block parties and you see them in church every Sunday. And now Immigration and Customs Enforcement vehicles surround the house, sirens blaring, as your children watch out the windows, confused, frightened and concerned about what their friend’s dad did wrong. Unfortunately this scenario plays out all … Continue Reading
January 06, 2014
ICYMI: Rep Derek Kilmer in Roll Call: Reauthorize America COMPETES Act with Full Funding for R & D
Reauthorize America COMPETES Act With Full Funding for R&D | Commentary Before his death, Steve Jobs gave America a good reminder. "Innovation," he said, "distinguishes between a leader and a follower." If America is going to be a leader in the 21st-century economy, we need to raise our game. We can do so by enacting an agenda to provide more consistent funding for research and development, expanding resources for our entrepreneurs and tech startups, building on successful … Continue Reading
December 19, 2013
ICYMI: Vice Chair Rep. Gerry Connolly in The Hill -- Senate should build on House bipartisanship, get patent reform done
Senate should build on House bipartisanship, get patent reform done By Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) - 12/19/13 09:00 AM EST Samuel L. Clemons, better known as Mark Twain, received his first patent 142 years ago this month. At his very core, Twain was a believer in a strong patent system that helps entrepreneurs create products and bring them to the marketplace. One of his fictional characters once remarked that "a country without a patent office and good patent laws was just a crab and … Continue Reading
December 14, 2013
What They're Saying: The New Democrat Coalition is Working for a Job-Creating Trade Agenda
Working for a Pro-Growth, Export-Oriented Trade Agenda Wall Street Journal: "On Thursday, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman pressed for progress on Capitol Hill, saying Congress needed to show it could approve an agreement so that Asian negotiating partners would be willing to make concessions, according to lawmakers who spoke to him. "A lot of these countries-there's a big ask being made of them, and they're not going to be willing to stick out their neck unless … Continue Reading
November 13, 2013
National Entrepreneurs Day
Our entrepreneurs are at the heart of the American Dream. They take risks to build new ventures and bring innovative ideas to fruition. It's time that Washington helped foster the entrepreneurial spirit that made America great through bipartisan action on the budget, investment in STEM education and incentives for new venture-backed firms. As members of the New Democrat Coalition, we believe that the economic fiber of the United States is the innovation, creativity, industriousness and … Continue Reading
October 28, 2013
Huffington Post: New Democrat Coalition Calls for a Vote on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Show Bipartisanship at Work By Bringing Comprehensive Immigration Reform to the Floor In the aftermath of a sixteen-day government shutdown that cost our country $24 billion, the message from the American people was clear: we are tired of the partisan gamesmanship and bickering on Capitol Hill. Now, more than ever, the American people are wondering if their Congress can rise to the challenge and pass legislation that lowers our deficit, creates jobs, encourages entrepreneurship, and leads to … Continue Reading
October 15, 2013
ICYMI: New Democrat Coalition Chairman Rep. Ron Kind Demands Solution to Reopen Government, Avoid Default on C-SPAN's Washington Journal
On C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning, New Democrat Coalition Chairman Rep. Ron Kind (WI-03) stressed the importance of working in a bipartisan manner to reopen the government and avoid a catastrophic default on the nation's debt. "…We've got to open up the government. We've got to pay our bills, as a great nation is expected to, and then we need to begin conversations on a long-term deficit reduction agreement to get our fiscal house in order. That will help restore some … Continue Reading