Press Releases
NDC Chair Statement on Updated House Legislative Schedule
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) issued a statement following the release of the updated house legislative schedule for the coming months. The NDC has long been pushing for the implementation of remote voting by proxy and the authorization of virtual committee proceedings to ensure Congress can return to normal order and continue legislating for the American people. "In the midst of this pandemic, it's important for the House to continue to uphold its … Continue Reading
May 28, 2020
House Passes New Democrat Coalition-Endorsed Legislation to Improve PPP
Washington, DC - Today, the House passed the New Democrat Coalition-endorsed bipartisan Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act co-introduced by New Dem Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03). The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is providing essential support to millions of small businesses across the country. Unfortunately for many these businesses, the terms can be too inflexible to provide the help and stability PPP was intended to provide to help weather the economic storm. Rep. Phillips' … Continue Reading
May 26, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Endorses Legislation to Improve PPP
Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), led by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06), endorsed the bipartisan Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act co-introduced by New Dem Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03). The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is providing essential support to millions of small businesses across the country. Unfortunately for many these businesses, the terms can be too inflexible to provide the help and stability PPP was intended to provide to help weather the economic storm. Rep. … Continue Reading
May 15, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on Passage of The Heroes Act
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released the following statement upon House passage of H.R. 6800, The Heroes Act: "Let's start with what we know. We know that educators and students have had their lives turned upside down - and they need more resources to ensure kids can learn. We know that small businesses on Main Street are hurting - and they need more help to keep folks on payroll and to weather this storm. We know that workers on the frontlines, in … Continue Reading
May 14, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on H.Res 965
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released the following statement before the vote on legislation to allow temporary changes for remote voting on the House Floor and virtual committee proceedings during the coronavirus pandemic. NDC Members strongly support the House and Committees returning to regular order facilitated by remote or virtual options, and have pushed for these changes for weeks. "The public health crisis at hand-which has turned things upside down … Continue Reading
May 05, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on Rep. Beyer’s Proposal to Implement Automatic Stabilizers for Unemployment Benefits
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Rep. Don Beyer (VA-08) was joined by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) in releasing a draft framework for the Workers' Relief and Security Act, bicameral legislation that would tie ongoing expanded unemployment benefits to the public health emergency and economic conditions. Rep. Beyer's bill would use automatic triggers to ensure that assistance continues to flow to workers for the duration of the pandemic and the resulting economic crisis even in the absence … Continue Reading
April 27, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Urges House Leadership and Committee Chairs to Implement Remote Voting and Virtual Proceedings
Yesterday, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Leadership Members, led by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06), sent a letter to House Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, House Rules Committee Chairman McGovern, and House Administration Committee Chairperson Lofgren urging for the implementation of remote voting by proxy and the authorization of virtual committee hearings no later than the week of May 4. The letter reads: "Members of the New Democrat Coalition strongly support the House of … Continue Reading
April 24, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Urges House Leadership to Implement a National Recovery Strategy
Following passage of H.R. 266 - Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06), Leadership Member Ami Bera (CA-07), Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06), Rep. Bill Foster (IL-10), and Rep. Donna Shalala (FL-27) led a letter to House Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader McCarthy urging legislation of an evidence- and science based National Recovery Strategy that prioritizes continued mitigation and … Continue Reading
April 23, 2020
House Passes New Democrat Coalition-Supported Emergency Relief Package
Today, the House passed the interim relief package which includes increased funding for small businesses, hospitals, and testing. Members recognize that this bill provides immediate interim support and reflects significant improvements over the initial Senate GOP bill, including some of the Coalition's priorities. This interim relief package: Strengthens the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) with $310 billion in additional funding, with $30 billion reserved for community-based lenders, … Continue Reading
April 23, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Members Send Letter to Federal Agencies to Stabilize the Mortgage Market During COVID-19
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Members, led by NDC Housing Task Force Co-Chair Denny Heck (WA-10), sent a letter to the federal financial and housing agencies asking them to take steps to stabilize and simplify the mortgage market during the COVID-19 crisis. "One of the enduring lessons of the Great Recession is how destructive the dysfunction in the home mortgage market can be to the broader economy," said NDC Housing Task Force Co-Chair Denny Heck. "We cannot afford to repeat the … Continue Reading
April 20, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Sends Letter to NEC Director
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Trade Task Force Co-Chair Ron Kind, along with NDC Vice Chair Suzan DelBene, NDC Trade Task Force Co-Chair Lizzie Fletcher, and NDC Trade Task Force Co-Chair Gregory Meeks, sent a letter to National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow regarding the extensions of duty payments. As reported, by the end of March, the Administration's deliberations focused on an appropriate scope for the duty payment extensions that would try to address concerns from … Continue Reading
April 03, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on Speaker Pelosi’s Announcement on Next Steps in the Coronavirus Response
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Chair Derek Kilmer released the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced next steps in the coronavirus response: "The staggering acceleration of the impact of the coronavirus on our workers, families, health care providers, and communities has been massively disruptive. Yesterday, I joined my fellow New Democrat Coalition Leadership Members in urging the Speaker and House Leadership to focus our coronavirus response on targeted and timely … Continue Reading
April 02, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Urges House and Committee Leadership to Act
Today, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Leadership Members sent a letter to House Democratic Leadership and Chairs of the Standing House Committees urging them to focus continued coronavirus response packages on targeted, timely, and temporary policies to address the immediate and pressing issues unique to the pandemic and its economic impacts. "Our first duty must by to end the pandemic, provide direct support to impacted individuals, health care providers, health workers and first responders, … Continue Reading
March 27, 2020
House Passes New Democrat Coalition-Supported CARES Act
Today, the House passed the CARES Act, comprehensive legislation to deliver a bold and urgent response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This bill will provide unprecedented emergency funding to help stop the pandemic, give immediate assistance to families and impacted businesses, and direct support to our local and state governments and health care providers who are on the frontlines of this pandemic. Last week, the NDC released preliminary principles and priorities based on the input … Continue Reading
March 19, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Releases Economic Recommendations in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) released preliminary principles and priorities for the continued economic response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These recommendations look to help address the growing economic challenges being felt nationwide and to help mitigate the long-term economic impacts of the coronavirus. The recommendations are designed to: Triage and Respond: Take immediate action to support public health efforts and prevent an economic crisis by quickly … Continue Reading
March 14, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Members Support Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Today, all New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Members supported the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, comprehensive legislation aimed at bolstering the federal government's response to the coronavirus outbreak and addressing the severe impacts of the coronavirus on Americans' personal safety and financial security. In addition to including a bipartisan measure led by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) to grant disaster unemployment assistance to people who are unable to work due to the current … Continue Reading
March 13, 2020
Weekly Wrap 03/13/2020
This week, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) continued its leadership on climate change with the endorsement of an additional slate of bills to combat climate change with the urgency this crisis demands. The NDC is committed to advancing solutions that leverage every decarbonization solution available to advance a swift and just transition to a more sustainable planet and economy. These endorsements build on NDC's Priorities for U.S. Climate Policy and initial slate of bill endorsements … Continue Reading
March 12, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Continues Leadership on Climate Change
Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), led by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer, NDC Vice Chair Scott Peters, and NDC Climate Change Task Force Co-Chairs Don Beyer, Sean Casten, Elaine Luria, and Susan Wild, endorsed an additional slate of bills. This package of bills presents forward-looking, politically durable solutions. With these endorsements, the NDC continues its leadership on climate change with a robust legislative agenda that builds on the NDC Priorities for U.S. Climate Policy and initial … Continue Reading
March 02, 2020
House Passes New Dem-Endorsed Housing Legislation
Today, the House of Representatives passed the New Dem-endorsed Yes in My Back Yard (YIMBY) Act, led by NDC Housing Task Force Co-Chair Denny Heck (WA-10). Affordable housing is becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. This bipartisan legislation will help address burdensome restrictions on land use, one of the root causes of our nation's housing shortfall identified in the NDC Housing Task Force's 2018 Missing Millions of Homes report. The YIMBY Act, H.R. 4351, aims to address housing … Continue Reading
February 28, 2020
New Democrat Coalition Announces ‘20 for 2020’ Policy Agenda
The New Democrat Coalition (NDC), led by NDC Leadership Members, launched its new '20 for 2020' policy agenda. The agenda is a culmination of the NDC's priorities and is intended to serve as a framework for the Coalition's legislative agenda for the remainder of the 116th Congress. The NDC is focused on solving the challenges of the 21st century, looking at old problems through a new lens and advocating forward-looking policies that expand opportunities, promote innovation, keep Americans … Continue Reading